Blasto (PlayStation)

Air not required when swimming

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Down(3), Left, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right(2).

Alternate appearance

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Up(2), Down, X, Triangle, Circle.

Alternate Costumes

At the main menu, quickly press Up, Up, Down, X, Triangle, Circle.

Blue laser

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right.

Do Not Press Buttons

Beware of the DO NOT PRESS button in Episode 1. It will nuke you! But press the DO NOT PRESS button in Episode 2 because it creates powerups!

Extra Life in Episode 2

In level 2 you can get a life by going through the level until you get to the part where you press the button to Tube 1. From there, proceed straight until you come to a locked exit door. Turn around and get the powerup, then press the door button to unlock Tube 1.

After that you must get the gun across the platform and then go UP to the spinning platform (not on it.) You should hear the powerup sound. Turn around and go towards the button that unlocks Tube 1 and stop BEFORE the edge facing the button.

Jump onto the jumping platform and press JUMP as soon as you touch the platform to get on top of the button room. It takes a little practice, but once you make it you'll see an extra life balanced on top.

Extra Lives in Episode 1

Get the Jet-Pac then go back to the covered walkway where you started the level. Grab the Extra-Life above the PORT sign, fly along the top of the covered walkway to grab another, then another atop the dome, another atop the sign to the left, then one more behind the tail of the rocket.

Fire charged shots

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Left(2), Right, Left, Up, Left, Down(2), Left(2).

Maximum health with every health pill

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Up, Right(2), Left, Down.

Motion sickness mode

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Left, Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, Left, Up(2), Right.

Play as Evil Blasto

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left.

Secret Warp To Hub


1) Space Port 1: Finish level one with "all enemies destroyed" To do this, you must get the Jet-Pac. To get the Jet-pac, play up to the teleporter at the end. Don't enter the teleporter! Kill the 3 enemies near the teleporter and a Blue Health Pill will appear on top of the rock there. Grab the pill and head back out the door. Go across the dropping platforms and jump down to the green crate below. Use the crate to jump on to the rock in that area. Get on top of the rock and you can jump up to grab the Jet-PAC. Now make your way back through the level and kill the remaining enemies. Note that a few more will appear near the end section of the level. When you have killed all the enemies a message will appear telling you that you have done so. Be sure to grab as many extra lives as you can find. There are bunch on the way back to the Space Ship. Note 2: Don't fly away from the ground areas, you'll only get unbearably lost! You can always check the pause menu to see how many enemies are remaining. Be sure to cover all ground to get enemies to appear.

2) Space Port 2

3) Uranian Desert: Note that crouching ants can be killed with charged shots. Head in to the room behind Blasto, kill the enemies there and save. Head back out of that big room. Make your way to the split in the path. Take the right branch and keep going forward. You will find a Save Point on one of the rocks suspended in the air. Don't grab the invisibility pill and Be sure to save. Now grab the invisibility pill (you may have to kill all the enemies here first) and jump down to the area below and continue on to the Babe-on-a-stick. Keep your distance from the Ants so that they don't spot you. If they do, you will have to head out of view range so that they re-set. Follow from a distance so that the ants have her turned in to a chicken by the Wizard. As soon as the Babe becomes a chicken, head back down the ramp and stay along the right hand rail. You have to be fast because you have about 30 seconds before the next invisible platform is gone. At the end of the ramp, turn about 60-90 degrees to the right and jump off the edge. Be sure to hold forward throughout the jump so that you get enough distance. When you hit the platform you will be teleported to the Hub. If you miss the platform you will have to re-load the level and try again.

4) The HUB: At the Hub, defeat the Evil Blasto Clone. There will be blue powerups here that only he can collect. There will also be normal powerups for Blasto to collect. Once you have grabbed a powerup, be sure to run around looking for your next one. Your next one may not appear until the Evil Blasto picks up his next powerup… but you will want the powerups to beat the Evil Clone. I think Blasto's third powerup is an invincibility pill. Be sure to side-step a lot! Also, aim your fire at the blue powerups as the clone will head for the powerups… free shots for you! After defeating him, a Save Point will appear by the "Episode 1" teleporter. Be sure to save.

5) Babe Viewer: Now quit the game and go to the main menu. Choose Start and the next menu will allow you to access the Babe Viewer. You can also enter in or more of the codes from here or the previous menu. Enter in the desired codes now or after checking out the Babe Viewer. Load your saved game back up once the codes have been entered. Now you should be able to make your way to the final boss with ease.

6) Return To HUB: Anytime you go to another level from the Hub, you will have "Return to Hub" listed in your pause menu.


1) Clear out all enemies in Space Port 1.

2) Play up to the "Pooper Trooper" in Space Port 2. Let him sit on the toilet and DO NOT kill him. Head over to the nearby Invisible Stairs Outlined by Stars and press the D.N.P. button. Get all the powerups on the steps, save at the Save Point just below, and then go back up to the D.N.P. button. Stand in the middle of the platform and face the D.N.P. button. Turn 90 degrees to the right. Run and jump at the edge, be sure to hold forward throughout the jump and stay in a straight line. Blasto will land on an invisible platform and teleport to the Ant Lair in the Desert.

3) Save at the Save Point behind you. Make your way to the fork in the road and take the right hand side. Jump out to the Save Point and save. Grab the invisibility and continue on to the Ants carrying the Babe on the stick. Don't let them spot you! Keep your distance and follow them up the hill. Stay far back as they reach the Ant Wizard. As soon as the Wizard turns the Babe in to a chicken you have 30 seconds to get to the next invisible platform. Run back down the path, staying along the right hand wall. When you reach the ledge below, turn 60-90 degrees to the right and jump off the edge. Be sure to hold forward throughout the jump so that you get enough distance. If you aim right, you will hit the invisible platform and teleport to the HUB. If you screw up, load it up again. This part is hard.

4) Kill Evil Blasto and save at the Save Point that appears next to the Episode 1 teleporter. You now have all codes and the Babe Viewer.


Episode 1: In episode, in the begining you know that babe on the faraway platform, well to get her you have to go throuth the whole stage. When at the end turn around walk back to that brown astroide and will see a jetpack, on the other side three lives. Now go back to your space ship in the beginning and go to the back thruster and there is another life. Go by the sign that says "WELCOME TO URANUS" and fly all along there and there is at least 5 or 6 lives there too.

Episide 2: Eventually you will see a pear head carrying a newspaper in his hand. Follow him. When he goes to the toilet, blast him away and you will get a gun and extra lives.

Episode 3: Somewhere in this level there will be a big gap between platforms. There should be 2 lives floating in mid air. If you look closly the stars form steps to a platform full of lives.

Small Blasto

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Right(2), Left, Down, Up.

Special weapons

At the first "Start" screen, quickly press Up(2), Down(2), Right, Up, Right, Down, Left(2). Then, every life starts with Rapid Fire guns, followed by a Flame Thrower, Heat Seeker, Ice Gun, and Nukes before repeating.

View Babes

Beat the game after saving all the babes. Then, a new "View Babes" options will be available when the next game is started.