Zombie Grinder (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
<3 <3 <3 <3Heal 1,000,000 hit points!
Anti-OniomaniaFill your wallet with 500,000 gold!
BronzishGet a score over 1,000,000.
Can't Touch ThisSurvive a wave game until wave 50.
CheaterLevel 99? Dirty cheater ...
DeathmasterYou died like 501 times?
DickWhy would you do that!?
Dungeon BossGet through 10 levels of a random dungeon!
Dungeon CrawlerGet through 1 level of a random dungeon!
Dungeon MasterGet through 5 levels of a random dungeon!
Eagle Eye50 shots and no hits? Great shooting man.
F**king DevelopersKill one of the developers.
FrigidFreeze 100 zombies!
Get It Up!Get a multiplier of 5x.
Gleaming GoldGet a score of over 1,000,000,000.
Going Higher!Get a multiplier of 10x.
Headshot HonchoExplode 100 heads!
I Hate BoxesYou sure do like destroying stuff don't you?
I Made A Thing!Submit an item to the workshop!
Ice And FireIgnite 5 frozen enemies.
It's Hot In Here!Ignite 100 zombies!
Long Distance CremationshipIgnite 100 zombies from 128 pixels away!
MammyCrash the game because you suck!
n00bKill 1 zombie!
Owned!Kill 10 human players.
Pixel PusherTravel 1,000,000 pixels!
Red MistOne explosion 3 kills.
SaviourBring a homie back from the afterlife!
SilverGet a score over 10,000,000.
Such Multipler, Much WowGet a multiplier of 15x.
The Ghost Is Clear!Free 20 players from their spirit forms!
The Gift of LoveHeal 50,000 hit points!
The Law of LoveHeal 10,000 hit points!
The PenetratorPenetrate 5 or more enemies with a bullet!
The Power of LoveHeal 100,000 hit points!
Trick Shot100 rebound kills? Sweeeeet.
Winner!Get into the top 10 for any map.
YOU'RE MY HERO!You played the game for 60 minutes without crashing?
Zombie GrinderSurvive till wave 30!
Zombie KillerSurvive till wave 10!
Zombie MasterSurvive till wave 20!
ZombinatorKill 53,598 Zombies!