Zombie Estate 2 (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
BrawlerDeal 10,000 damage with melee weapons.
BruiserDeal 100,000 damage with melee weapons.
DoctorHeal 10,000 health.
GunnerDeal 25,000 damage with ranged weapons.
InventorDeal 1,000,000 damage with minions.
Mad ScientistDeal 10,000,000 damage with minions.
MarksmanDeal 250,000 damage with ranged weapons.
Med StudentHeal 1,000 health.
MedicHeal 2,500 health.
SharpshooterDeal 1,000,000 damage with ranged weapons.
TankDeal 500,000 damage with melee weapons.
TinkererDeal 50,000 damage with minions.
Victories #1Win 1 game on Casual or Hard difficulty.
Victories #2Win 5 games on Casual or Hard difficulty.
Victories #3Win 10 games on Casual or Hard difficulty.
Wave 20Survive through wave 20 in infinite mode.
Wave 25Survive through wave 25 in infinite mode.
Wave 30Survive through wave 30 in infinite mode.