Zombie Cure Lab (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
2nd Time's the CharmUnknown.
Buffed III100 Humbies have trained with a training device.
Buffed II30 Humbies have trained with a training device.
Buffed IV250 Humbies have trained with a training device.
Buffed IOne Humbie has trained with a training device.
Buffed V500 Humbies have trained with a training device.
Building Master IIIBuild 60 objects.
Building Master IIBuild 40 objects.
Building Master IVBuild 100 objects.
Building Master IBuild 10 objects.
Building Master VIBuild 500 objects.
Building Master VBuild 200 objects.
Butterfingers IIIUnknown.
Butterfingers IIUnknown.
Butterfingers IUnknown.
ChefLet workers eat 1000 Super Food.
Chicken ShitUnknown.
Citizen Scientist IIIGenerated 100 Science Points.
Citizen Scientist IIGenerated 15 Science Points.
Citizen Scientist IVGenerated 500 Science Points.
Citizen Scientist IGenerated 1 Science Point.
Citizen Scientist VGenerated 10.000 Science Points.
Earn your white coatFinish the tutorial.
Eureka!Cure your first Humbie level 1.
God GamerUnknown.
Ice Ice BabyHave thirty frozen zombies at the same time.
Is this a human?Cure your first Humbie level 3!
Know your surroundingsGet everything out of old objects that is laying around on a single map.
Little know-it-allResearch Tier III for the first time.
Material GirlSpend 10.000 metal on build structures.
Nibble down to the rootsClear all vegetables on a single map.
Oh no no no!Unknown.
One step closerCure your first Humbie level 2!
Police State FTWUnknown.
Restore Humanity IIISend away a total of 5000 cured humans.
Restore Humanity IISend away a total of 500 cured humans.
Restore Humanity ISend away a total of fifty cured humans.
Reverse Darwinism100 workers turned into zombies.
Shoot! You missed them! IIIUnknown.
Shoot! You missed them! IIUnknown.
Shoot! You missed them! IUnknown.
Smarty pantsResearch Tier II for the first time.
Speedy ScienceCure a Zombie in the third night.
Spotted! IIIReach a zombie threat level of 10.
Spotted! IIReach a zombie threat level of 5.
Spotted! IVReach a zombie threat level of 30.
Spotted! IReach a zombie threat level of 1.
Spotted! VIReach a zombie threat level of 75.
Spotted! VReach a zombie threat level of 50.
Survivor IIIYou have survived for 25 nights.
Survivor IIYou have survived for 10 nights.
Survivor IVYou have survived for 100 nights.
Survivor IYou have survived for 1 night.
Tis but a scratchAll your workers died.
Tree GrowerUnknown.
We are many! IIIGet a total of 500 workers.
We are many! IIGet a total of 100 workers.
We are many! IVGet a total of 1000 workers.
We are many! IGet a total of 30 workers.
Wise guyResearch Tier IV for the first time.
World Zombie ExhibitionUnknown.
You made it!Cure your first human!