Zeit Squared (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AccuracyGet a hit ratio of over a given percentage in a randomly chosen SCORE ATTACK MODE level.
Advanced SurvivorSurvive in SURVIVAL MODE medium for at least 8 min
Aimed Beam-ShotDestroy 15 enemies with a single BEAM-SHOT
All Enemies DestroyedDestroy every enemy type at least once
All-RounderGet at least one silver medal in each GAME MODE
Arcade MasterPlay through the whole ARCADE MODE without dying
Arcade PacifistComplete a whole ARCADE level without shooting a bullet
ArmorerAquire the BEAM-SHOT by defeating the first intermediate boss in ARCADE MODE
Avoid Time ParadoxPerform a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL
AvoiderClear any level of SCORE ATTACK MODE without colliding with any enemy
Bonus KeeperShoot down 50 enemies without letting one escape or crash into you in ARCADE MODE
Bonus Keeper AdvancedShoot down 250 enemies without letting one escape or crash into you in ARCADE MODE
Bonus KeeperPro Shoot down 400 enemies without letting one escape or crash into you in ARCADE MODE
Boss DestroyerBeat the stage 1 - level 4 end boss
Boss RusherBeat any BOSS in under 30 sec
Boss Rusher AdvancedDefeat the stage 4 - level 2 intermediate Boss in under 100 sec
Challenge MasterGet 750 challenge points
ChallengerGet 250 challenge points
Fast ForwardUse FAST FORWARD TIME for at least a given percentage of a randomly chosen level.
Fast Forward FreakPlay 2 min in fast forward time
Fast Forward LevelPlay through a whole Level of SCORE ATTACK MODE in FAST FORWARD TIME
Fast Forward Level AdvancedPlay through a whole level of SCORE ATTACK MODE stage 2 in FAST FORWARD TIME
Fast Forward Level ProPlay through a whole level of SCORE ATTACK MODE stage 3 in FAST FORWARD TIME
Fast Forward ScorerUse FAST FORWARD TIME scoring more than 30 000 at once
Fast Forward Scorer AdvancedUse FAST FORWARD TIME scoring more than 75 000 at once
Fast Forward Scorer ProUse FAST FORWARD TIME scoring more than 150 000 at once
Fast RunPlay through a randomly chosen SCORE ATTACK MODE level faster than an other player.
Forced WeaponryComplete a randomly chosen level with a specific weapon level.
Gold RushGet a gold medal in a randomly chosen level with this one try.
Golden Wave LevelGet a gold medal in WAVE MODE
Great Chain-ShotDestroy 15 enemies with a single CHAIN-SHOT
High Score HuntScore more points in a randomly chosen level than an other player.
High Score ImprovementBeat your own high score in a randomly chosen level by a given percentage.
I'm a SurvivorSurvive at least 5 min in survival mode
In the FlowPlay for at least 2 min and 40 sec in TIME LIMIT MODE
Low ResserPlay the game with minimal user-interface setting
Mass ShockerPerform a SHOCKWAVE that blows up at least 20 enemies
Massive Time TravellerTravel back in time a total of 25 min
Master Beam-ShotShoot at your time shadow with the BEAM-SHOT and destroy at least 4 enemies that way
Master Beam-Shot AdvancedShoot at your time shadow with the BEAM-SHOT and destroy at least 8 enemies that way
Master Beam-Shot ProShoot at your time shadow with the BEAM-SHOT and destroy at least 14 enemies that way
Master of TimeTravel through time for a total of 30 minutes
Medal HuntGet a medal better than an other player in a randomly chosen level.
Mode ExplorerPlay each mode at least once
Perfect ShockwaveCombine a SHOCKWAVE with a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL
Platinum PlayerGet a platinum medal in all GAME MODES
Power-Up ScorerCollect score power-ups worth 1 000 000 points in total
PTT ScorerPerform a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL with at least 30 000 points
PTT Scorer AdvancedPerform a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL with at least 60 000 points
PTT Scorer ProPerform a PERFECT TIME TRAVEL with at least 120 000 points
Quick ShockwavePerform a SHOCKWAVE in under 1 sec
ShockingPerform a SHOCKWAVE
Shockwave FreakPerform 50 SHOCKWAVES
Shockwave MaximizerScore more points with a single SHOCKWAVE than you ever did before in ARCADE MODE.
Shockwave ScorerScore more than 30 000 points with a single SHOCKWAVE
Silver WaveGet at least a silver medal in all WAVE MODE levels
Skilled High ScorerBeat your own high score in a randomly chosen SCORE ATTACK MODE level using a lower WEAPON LEVEL than for your original high score.
SniperFinish a level in SCORE ATTACK MODE with over 95% destroyed enemies
TacticianGet 3 platinum medals in tactics mode
The Fittest SurvivesPlay longer in SURVIVAL MODE than an other player.
Time ExplorerDefeat an enemy that hides in spacetime
Time Limit MaximizerGet a multiplier of at least 200 in TIME LIMIT MODE
Time Limit SurvivorPlay TIME LIMIT MODE without dying once
Time Travel AbstinentBeat stage 3 level 2 in ARCADE MODE without using TIME TRAVEL PAST
Time Travel ExperimentTravel back in time the maximum of 4.2 seconds
Time TravelerUse TIME TRAVEL PAST scoring more than 15 000 at once
Victory Playthrough ARCADE MODE
Wave ClearedPlay through a whole WAVE level without dying
Weapon ExperimentsPlay a single level of SCORE ATTACK MODE with each of the five weapon levels
Weapon FanaticUnlock all WEAPON LEVELS