Yuso (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Dedication (secret)Stuck on a puzzle for over 10 Minutes.
Earth CuredComplete all Earth Stages.
Earth UnlockedComplete enough stages to unlock Earth.
From the TopRestart 100 times.
I'm a Planet too! (secret)Unlock Pluto.
JK, Not Really (secret)Complete all Pluto Stages.
Jupiter CuredComplete all Jupiter Stages.
Jupiter UnlockedComplete enough stages to unlock Jupiter.
Mars CuredComplete all Mars Stages.
Mars UnlockedComplete enough stages to unlock Mars.
Mercury CuredComplete all Mercury Stages.
My MistakeRewind 200 times.
Neptune CuredComplete all Neptune Stages.
Neptune UnlockedComplete enough stages to unlock Neptune.
RedoRestart 50 times.
Saturn CuredComplete all Saturn Stages.
Saturn UnlockedComplete enough stages to unlock Saturn.
Solar System Savior!Complete all stages!
Spaceman! (secret)Complete all Moon Stages.
To the Moon! (secret)Unlocked the Moon.
Uranus CuredComplete all Uranus Stages.
Uranus UnlockedComplete enough stages to unlock Uranus.
Venus CuredComplete all Venus Stages.
Venus UnlockedComplete enough stages to unlock Venus.
WoopsRewind 100 times.