Achievement | How to unlock
#yolo #swag #nbd | Won the game while wearing sunglasses.
An Achievement called "Completionist" | Won the game in any mode with a 100% rating.
Boop! | Found Sammy and Lara a.k.a. Princess Boopypoo and the Countess von Flufflebutts a.k.a. I put my cats in a video game because I am five years old.
Cartographer | Traversed every room.
First of Many | Died once.
Instant Fun | Acquired the Springheel Boots.
Kind of Blue | Acquired the Cerulean Aura.
Nap Time | Won the game as a cat.
Nth Time's the Charm | Lost the game in any mode.
Places to Go, People to See | Won the game in any mode in under ten minutes.
Rouge-like | Acquired the Crimson Aura.
Treasure Hunter | Collected every money bag.
Wouldn't It Be Cool If... | Acquired the Spider Gloves.
You Had to Win the Game | Won the game in any mode.