You And Who Else? (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Araferis GraveyardPoltergheist Defeated.
Circus TownCircus Conquered.
Dragon's DenDragon Defeated.
Dragon's EyesRed Dragon Defeated.
Haldebard CastleUnknown.
Inferis ManorInferis Manor Conquered.
Isendra FortUnknown.
Jadda-ZandraLamia Defeated.
Mansion of the DamnedSurvived Death.
MasterGot more than 800 pts.
Monument of the RavenAncient Demon Defeated.
Nord FortressUnknown.
Old Pirate's CoveUnknown.
Secret BeachUnknown.
Sonhos IndigosUnknown.
Tumulus of St BenedictMinotaur Defeated.
Virgin VinesGiga Ogre Defeated.
Zarmakas ForestUnknown.