Achievement | How to unlock
A Beautiful Day | Began playing Holy Molluscamony.
A Pie-fect Day | Began playing Humble Pie.
Bernard The Duck | Discovered that Bernard isn't actually a duck. (Secret)
Best Friends Forever | You brought two very normal characters together (Secret)
Born in a barn | You left every single door in Humble Pie open (Secret)
Careful Now | You correctly picked the only serious title (Secret)
Christmas Pudding | You discovered what you smell like (Secret)
Diabolical | You tried to do a terrible thing.
Elland's Finest Liver Bypass | You demonstrated an appreciation for the local brews (Secret)
Ey Up 'Em Up | Given a proper Yorkshire greeting to 10 things.
Go Forth And Do All The Things | Learnt how to make amends to Bertrella.
Good As New | You solved Bertrella's problem. (Secret)
Holy Molluscamony! | You completed Holy Molluscamony.
Humble Pie! | You completed Humble Pie.
Jeff Goldblum | You uncovered the truth about a novel.
Luxuriant Foliage | You found a totally normal thing. (Secret)
OMG Are You Psychic? | How... how did you do that?
Problematic | Did your bit for animal rights. Fat lot of good it did you. (Secret)
Put wood in t'ole | You closed every door in Humble Pie behind you. Good for you. (Secret)
Slugs Hate Salt | You let Crazy Harbert tell you everything.
The Enboozening | You stuffed both Bertrellas with Sowerby Pumper (Secret)
The Endrenchening | You covered both Bertrellas in salt water (Secret)
The Enmuddening | You covered both Bertrellas in deadly mud. (Secret)
The Mum We Deserve | Turned the lights back off. (Secret)
The Pub Awaits | You solved Other Bertrella's problem (Secret)
The Udderbuttock-Gromley Memorial Award | You scanned 10 people with the Udgrom-o-meter.
What's in the box? | You found out what's in the box.
You Were Wearing Your Blue Jumper? | Pretended to forget how you ruined Bertrella's wedding (Secret)
Your Tears Nourish Me | He totally had it coming (Secret)