Achievement | How to unlock
A Safer Journey | Finished 33 escort missions.
An Unexpected Lodger | Have Yisha stay longer than you both expected.
Can't Shoot This | Destroy 100 turrets.
Capital Punishment | Destroy a Xenon capital ship.
Finders, Keepers | Capture 50 ships.
First Contact | Make your first friends outside of Albion.
Friends in High Places | Reach highest reputation with any faction.
Gun Running | Acquire weapons from Heart of Albion contact.
Hijack This | Board a capital ship.
Home Sweet Home | Build your first station.
I'll Take That | Reacquire your ships and crews.
Killer's Heaven | Destroy 777 ships.
Mending the Split | Transport an important dignitary on a diplomatic mission.
Nailed Down | Destroy the engines of a capital ship.
Nice Pile | Get one billion Credits in your account.
One Less War | Help forge a key alliance.
Pimp My Ride | Maximally upgrade the Albion Skunk.
Short Leash | Destroy the jump drive of a capital ship.
Space Taxi | Finished 20 passenger transport missions.
Speed Freak | Reach maximal boost speed in a highway.
The Best of the Best | Upgrade a Marine Officer to five skill stars.
We Only Slowed Them | Help take out key Xenon facilities.
Xenon Salvager | Collect 100 Xenon components.