Xenonauts 2 (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Air SuperiorityHave an interceptor shoot down 20 UFOs.
All Your BaseCapture the Cleaner facility.
Commander VictoryWin the campaign on Commander difficulty.
CounterfireKill an alien with reaction fire during a tactical combat mission.
ExpansionistConstruct an additional base on the Geoscape.
First ContactKill an alien in a tactical combat mission.
First Of ManyLose a soldier in a tactical combat mission.
Future WarfareKill an alien with an energy weapon.
God Of WarHave a soldier with 20 alien kills.
Maximum PowerHave a soldier achieve the rank of Colonel.
Recruit VictoryWin the campaign on Recruit difficulty or higher.
Soldier VictoryWin the campaign on Soldier difficulty or higher.
Stunning WorkCause an enemy unit to fall unconscious.
Sunk My BattleshipShoot down a Battleship UFO with an interceptor.
Ultimate PowerDeploy a squad consisting entirely of Colonels on a tactical mission.
Unfriendly FireKill one of your own soldiers during a tactical combat mission.
Veteran VictoryWin the campaign on Veteran difficulty or higher.
War MachineEquip a soldier with a Colossus Battlesuit.
Welcome To EarthShoot down a UFO with an interceptor.
XenonautSet foot upon the alien homeworld.