Wrack (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
... Or Else It's Free!Complete episode 1 in 30 minutes or less.
AnalystWatch a replay off of the leaderboard.
Balls of TyderiumKill a kamikaze using the Hyperblade without taking damage.
Barrels o' FunGib 4 or more monsters in a single combo using a toxic barrel.
Bring on Godzilla!Raise both your health and armor to 250.
Bullet SpongeIncrease both your max. health and armor by 50.
Bunny Must Die!Poor kitty!
Cathartic ReleaseGib every single enemy on any level.
Chain KillerEarn a kill chain of 16x or more.
Combo FiendEarn a kill combo of 6x or more.
DisposedDefeat Mechron.
Doom DeterredDefeat Galactron.
Double KillEarn a kill combo of 2x or more.
Efficient KillingEarn a kill combo of 4x or more.
Enter Your InitialsComplete episode 1 with a score of 5,000,000 or higher.
Exo's EnvyEarn a tyderium medal on every level (episode 1)
Fall Into DarknessDiscover the Power Core.
FusedDefeat Oculus.
Gibbit Sheds a TearGib 4 or more monsters in a single kill combo.
Gold StandardEarn a gold medal on every level (episode 1)
Hair... AvengedDefeat Giggordo and rescue Starlyn (episode 1)
HotshotEarn a kill chain of 3x on sentries using the pistol.
HyperdeathGib 6 or more monsters in a single kill combo.
I Grow StrongerIncrease either your max. health or max. armor.
Indestructible MedalEarn a tyderium medal on any level.
Jackpot! Yeah, baby!Obtain a jackpot.
Kain the NinjaSlice up a monster that didn't see you coming!
Katana-rama!Complete a level using only the Hyperblade.
Killing SpreeEarn a kill chain of 4x or more.
Knee-Deep in the DeadEarn a kill chain of 40x or more.
M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILLEarn a kill combo of 8x or more.
Make It RainGib 2 or more monsters in a single kill combo.
No Quarters RequiredComplete episode 1 without using a continue.
NoteworthyComplete episode 1 on "Medium" or higher.
PacifistComplete E1L1 with the minimum amount of kills possible.
Place Your BetsHave two Arcturans kill each other via infighting.
Platinum ClubEarn a platinum medal on every level (episode 1)
Precious MedalEarn a platinum medal on any level.
PrinceloveView an item in the gallery.
RecycledDefeat Gnash.
Remarkable CraftsmanshipDefeat Geizer.
ScorerunnerComplete a map in Score Attack mode.
Should've Used Protection...Survive a bazooka jump without the blast guard.
SpeedrunnerComplete a map in Time Attack mode.
TBD Featured Map AchievementCheck back later, folks!
That Wasn't It!Start the game using a code to give you 30 lives.
The Least Lonely NumberEarn a kill chain of 69x.
Thought RequiredFind a BIG secret!
Too HardcoreComplete episode 1 on "Hardcore" or higher.
Truth in AdvertisingComplete episode 1 on "Bullshit!".
Unstoppable!Earn a kill chain of 25x or more.
Valuable MedalEarn a gold medal on any level.
WHEEEEE!!!Survive a bazooka jump with the blast guard.