WitchHand (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AcademicLearn a spell.
AdventurerExplore 500 times.
Bird SeedGive a Phoenix a treat as the Phoenix Witch.
Chaos EnthusiastCreate the Chaos Gateway as the Chaos Witch.
CivilizationBuild five villages.
Cold as IceFreeze an enemy.
CorrespondenceRead the final letter.
CuisineCook a meal as the Culinary Witch.
CustomizedStart a new game with custom advanced settings.
Defy FateDefeat the Lord of the Ninth.
DiplomacyBefriend a Faerie City.
Extended ReachPay the Fortune Teller's fee.
ExterminateDestroy a Faerie City.
Fated DevoteeComplete a silver quest from the Council of Fates.
Fated ScionComplete a golden quest from the Council of Fates.
Fated ServantComplete a quest from the Council of Fates.
First in the NinthBuild the First Waypoint.
Healing TouchCast a healing spell.
Immovable ObjectGive a Familiar a shield.
InvokerPerform a rite.
It's LogisticsBuild a Nexus.
Kill it with FireThrow a fireball.
LinkedLink two villages as the Celestial Witch.
Oldest in the NinthBuild the Ancient Waypoint.
Potion MasterHave four active Alchemists.
ProsperityEarn 1000 Stardrop Coins.
RecyclingSell a letter from home.
Riches AplentyEarn 2000 Stardrop Coins.
Second in the NinthBuild the Second Waypoint.
SilencedDefeat the Void Herald
So Many FriendsSummon 10 Familiars.
Thick SpellbookLearn 50 spells.
Third in the NinthBuild the Third Waypoint.
TravelerExplore 100 times.
Unstoppable ForceGive a Familiar a sword.
WealthyEarn 500 Stardrop Coins.
Welcome HomeRevive a Familiar.
WondrousCreate a Wonder.