Wild at Heart, The (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Fractured OrderRecall all wayward Greenshields to The Grove, uncovering the details of their missions.
All-NighterStay up through the night until daybreak, outside of The Grove.
Back off man, I'm a scientistPurchase every Gustbuster upgrade.
Bargain BinMake a trade with Rubbish.
Cat-astrophe AvertedSafely return all of Litterbox's cats to the Grove.
FAQ FinderHear all of Scrap Heap's tips and tricks.
Freezy PopsGet five or more Spritelings frozen in ice simultaneously.
GOOOOAAAALLL!Kick an item directly into the Stash Box.
Geography BuffLearn about every area of the Deep Woods from Toothpicks.
Hal Jordan Who?!Purchase every Warden's Way upgrade.
Herd is the WordBefriend the five main Spriteling types.
Home is where the Hearth isPurchase every Spriteling Cap upgrade.
Hot GossListen to all the juicy gossip that the Twins have to dish.
Look Ma, No Hands!Break a crystal with Barblings without throwing them.
Mix MasterCraft every type of Tonic.
Nature BathTake a moment of thoughtful meditation by the waterfall in Heartlands.
Now This Sparks JoyPurchase every Bag Slot upgrade.
Nutriment WhizCraft every type of Meal.
PagemasterFind all the Lost Journal Pages missing from "Book".
PathfinderFully reveal the maps for every known area of the Deep Woods.
Resealed and RestoredDefeat The Never.
S'more the MerrierBuild your first camp.
The Adventure BeginsSuccessfully run away from home.
The Final PassageOpen the way to Umbral Lethea, using the power of the Greenshield Artifacts.
The Totally Full at HeartPurchase all health upgrades.
This is the WayComplete every beastie bounty from Toothpicks.
Trainee TinkererCraft your first item.
Trove TrusteeCompletely fill out the Grove Trove, finding every last missing treasure.
Welcome to The Deep WoodsReach The Grove, the home of the Greenshields.