Weed Shop 2 (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Advanced GrowerHarvested 420g of weed!
Apprentice TokerSmoked 50 trees!
Blunt MasterSmoked 1000 blunts!
Bottom FeederMade the first 1000 bucks!
Doobie DudeRolled 100 joints!
GanjapreneurServed 4200 people!
Herb EnthusiastGrew first weed plant!
Impulse BuyerSpent 5 large!
Major BallerBurned through 1 mil!
MultimillionaireEarned more money than your mom!
Paper Planes PilotRolled 12321 Js, hellz yeah!
Small-time DealerMade 100 sales!
Spliff FingersRolled 420 spliffs!
The PusherSold $100,000 worth of weed!
Wannabe PlayaWasted a hundred grand!
Weed FarmerGrew 1,000,000g of Cannabis!
Weed HeadSmoked 10k fat ones!
Weed KingpinMade 50k deals!