We Are The Caretakers (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Campaign High ScoreComplete a campaign with a final score of 10000 points or more.
Complete Era 1Complete the first Era of the Story Campaign.
Complete Era 2Complete the second Era of the Story Campaign.
Complete Era 3Complete the third Era of the Story Campaign.
Complete Era 4Complete the fourth Era of the Story Campaign.
Complete Mission 1Complete the first mission of the story campaign.
Diplomatic ResolutionBe victorious in any encounter without dealing damage to another character.
Earn 150,000 CoinsEarn 150,000 total Coins during any campaign.
Earn 50,000 CoinsEarn 50,000 total Coins during any campaign.
High Reputation VictoryComplete the Story Campaign with at least ninety or more Reputation points.
MultitaskerDeploy two or more units in a single mission.
New RecruitRecruit a new character from the Recruits list in the Atrium.
PacifistComplete the Story Campaign without dealing any stamina damage to other characters.
Raun DefenderComplete either campaign mode without letting a single Raun get injured in the field via direct attacks.
Recruit JaduFind and Recruit former Caretaker Jadu in the Story Campaign.
Survival VictoryComplete the Survival Campaign Mode.
TechieUnlock twenty or more technologies form the tech tree in a single campaign.
Unlock All Unit SlotsUnlock all nine Unit Slots by researching the new unit slot technologies in the tech tree.
Use SupplyUse any supply during a mission by selecting the supply form the Unit Info UI.
VictoryComplete the Story Campaign.