WazHack (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All TensGet to level 10 with all characters.
AscensionWin the game.
Birthday BoyMake a wish as a male character.
Birthday GirlMake a wish as a female character.
BlasterKill 100 mobs with ranged wand attacks.
CarnivoreWin only eating meat and certain goos.
Four TensGet to level 10 with 4 characters.
FreddyWin the game on Nightmare III above level 7.
Iron ManSell 200 weapons, except arrows.
Loot MeisterGet every possible item.
Mega BlasterKill 1000 mobs with ranged wand attacks.
Mixed MythologyFind 10 different unique items.
Planet BrainPick up 1000 pieces of paper.
There can be Only OneGet any unique item.
Trouble MakerKill every mob type at least once.
VegetarianWin eating no meat and only certain goos.
Winning StreakWin playing the whole game in your underwear.
You Can Stop NowWin the game with every character.
ZookeeperHave 10 pets alive at once, not undead.