Way of the Hunter (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Ahoooooooooy!Discover all Echo spots in Nez Perce Valley.
Been there, rode thereDrive a car for 30km.
Every Nook and CrannyDiscover all Points of Interest in Transylvania.
Go Big or Go HomeHarvest five different species of big game animals.
In Need of New ShoesTravel 10km on foot.
Like Father, Like SonHarvest Hollywood.
Like the Back of My HandDiscover all Points of Interest in Nez Perce Valley.
Nice to Meet YouMeet all landowners in Nez Perce Valley.
Not Great, Not TerribleGet first stars trophy.
Sportsman stageUnlock fourty perks.
To filter or not, that's the questionCollect all Photographs in Transylvania.
Top of the PyramidHarvest four different species of predators.
Welcome to the land of vamp... chamois!Meet all landowners in Transylvania.