Wargroove (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Arcade ApprenticeComplete an arcade run.
Art AficionadoUnlock every item in the gallery.
Cordial CommanderWin a skirmish game.
Courageous CaptainComplete all missions in Act 5.
Creative CartographerCreate a custom map.
Decisive DiplomatComplete all missions in Act 6.
Desert DuelistComplete all missions in Act 4.
Diligent DownloaderPlay a downloaded map.
Grand GrooverUse every Groove once.
Gregarious GrooverUse a Groove.
Joystick JostlerComplete all arcade runs.
Magnificent MartyrComplete "An Ancient Adversary".
Mystic MessengerComplete all missions in Act 3.
Puzzle PractitionerComplete a puzzle.
Puzzle ProfessorComplete all puzzles.
Quarter QueenComplete an Arcade in hard difficulty.
Revenant of RegicideComplete the prologue.
Rookie RegentComplete all missions in Act 1.
Steadfast SpiritComplete "The Enemy Within".
Super StrategistObtain an S-Rank on every campaign mission.
Twinkling TacticianCollect 200 stars.
Warring WoodsmanComplete all missions in Act 2.
Worldly WarriorWin an online match in Quick Play.