Wand Wars (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
2 for 1Eliminate the same player twice within one second.
Beam Me Up ScottyTeleport out of game right before getting crushed.
Cotton CandyDestroy a cloud sentinel as the cloud beast.
DoppelgängersWin a round while having at least one clone.
FirecrackersDestroy multiple magic arrows with a single catch spell.
From Beyond the GraveEliminate an opponent after dying.
Fully OperationalEliminate three opponents with one death ray or fireball.
GhostbustersCross the Beams.
I'll Be BokEliminate an enemy while you are in chicken form.
JugglenautsPass the sphere to your team-mate 7 times without the other team touching it.
Lean MeatEat chicken.
MagesicleEat a frozen enemy.
Merlin's PupilUnlock all game content.
My PreciousHave six power-ups in your inventory at once.
Over 9000Win a team deathmatch game against 3 CPU players on LVL 10 difficulty.
Prime DirectiveWin a match without touching the sphere.
Protector of the RealmDestroy a cloud beast as the cloud sentinel.
Shields UpUse up to three shields within a single round.
SuperluminalAccelerate the sphere to its maximum speed.
The ApprenticeComplete the apprentice campaign.
The BeastComplete the beasts campaign.
The ChallengerComplete the challenger campaign.
The DemonComplete the demon campaign.
The MachineComplete the machine campaign.
The WitchComplete the witch campaign.
Treasure HuntersDestroy all of the blocks in the dungeon level.
Ultimate Magical TriumphWin a whole game without dying.
You're a wizard Larry!Finish all campaigns on Legendary difficulty.