V-Rally 4 (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AceWin your first rallycross championship.
AdventurerDrive at least 3000 kms in all modes combined.
AirborneJump at least a total of 2000m.
ApprenticeWin your first Buggy race in V-Rally Mode.
BankerReach a one million dollars balance.
BeginnerStart a new career.
ChampionWin your first rally championship.
ClimberEnd at least 25 hillclimb races online.
CollectorGet all the cars of the game.
DexterousEnd a gymkhana race without any penalty.
DirectorTry all in game cameras.
Drift kingDrift a total of 1000m.
EvolutionComplete a team of engineers.
ExpansionistHire your first crew member in V-Rally Mode.
First tryPlay your first online race.
GazelleJump at least 250 times.
Go Stephen!Win a race without using the brakes.
Good job ScottyUse the manual respawn 100 times.
Hat trickWin 3 Quick Game races online.
Hot rodEnd at least 25 rally races online.
It needed oneEnd last in a race.
JokerEnd at least 25 rallycross races online.
KangarooJump at least 40m in one go.
MechanicUpgrade a car for the first time.
MeteorologistEnd at least one race in each weather condition.
MountaineerWin your first hillclimb championship.
MultitaskPurchase a car of each gamemode.
MythicalBecome world champion in all game modes.
NeophyteWin your first Extreme-Khana race in V-Rally Mode.
NewbieWin your first V-Rally Cross race in V-Rally Mode.
Nocturnal visionEnd at least 25 night races all modes combined.
NoviceWin your first Hillclimb race in V-Rally Mode.
Off roadEnd at least 25 buggy races online.
OperationFinish a race without any collision.
PoserMake at least 10 car upgrades.
ProfessionalWin your first buggy championship.
PuristEnd at least 25 gymkhana races online.
Rally fanComplete 500 different rally stages.
RookieWin your first Rally race in V-Rally Mode.
SlipperyDrift 30m in one go.
StakhanovistEnd at least 200 races all modes combined.
SwimmerGo through 30 water puddles.
TeleportationUse the manual respawn for the first time.
The world is mineMake at least one race in all countries.
TraderEarn at least 1 million dollars (cumulative)
UniqueCustomise your first car plate.
VersatileComplete a race online in each category.
VirtuosoWin your first gymkhana championship.
Well played McCloudPerform 5 barrel rolls in a race.