Voxel Blast (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Access Denied OverrideDestroy Death Mill without losing any lives
Backpropagation DeathWin 5 games in a row
Binomial Coefficients ReachedWin Entropy's third level without losing any lives
Block Cipher-DetentionWin a DeathMatch with 0 deaths
Blowfish OponentKill a player you're dominating 5 times
Breaking Markov's ChainGet 50 revenges
Breaking the LoopWin Symmetry's second level without losing any lives
Brute ForceWin 100 deathmatch games
Catch Exception by DestroyingDestroy Carrier without losing any lives
Clean the VaultDestroy Hive without losing any lives
Coloring the GraphGet 50 dominations
Convergency ReachedOvercome Entropy Boss Mode without losing any lives
Dedicated SystemSurvive for 2 hours
Depth First SeachPlay through 15 levels in a row
Destroy unused pointersKill 1000 players in DeathMatch Mode
Dijkstra's SupremacyWin Symmetry's forth level without losing any lives
Eight Queen Solvedkill a player you're dominating 8 times
Exponential OrderScore 10 000 000 points
Extended Life-CycleResist for 30 minutes
Fibonacci CompletedGet first blood on 50 games
First In First OutGet first blood on a game
First IterationGet a domination
Gaussian EliminationWin Entropy's first level without losing any lives
Greedy StrategyGet all three upgrades within 30 seconds
Heat Death of the UniverseWin Entropy entire campaign without losing any lives
Kill Stagnant ProcessDestroy Arsenal without losing any lives
Monopolizing ResourcesWin 10 games in a row
Multiagents ControlledDestroy HellWorm without losing any lives
Normal Domination BoxWin Entropy's fifth level without losing any lives
NP-CompletePlay through 20 levels in a row
NP-HardPlay through 20 levels in a row without needing a retry
Overclocking the SystemWin Symmetry's third level without losing any lives
Performance TestResist for 10 minutes
Pivot DisruptionDestroy Pyramid without losing any lives
Poisson Kill SampleWin Entropy's second level without losing any lives
Priority Queue-First outGet a revenge
Quick Sorting the EnemiesKill 5 players in a row without dying once
Red-Black BalanceGet a revenge against a player who has killed you 8 times in a row
Removing Duplicates in ArrayKill 10 players in a row without dying once
Resource OptimizationObtain 10 lives
Root Found Problem SolvedGet a revenge against a player who has killed you 5 times in a row
Run Garbage CollectorDestroy Plasma Core without losing any lives
Sequential SearchPlay through 10 levels in a row
Stack OverflowScore 1 000 000 points
System ResetOvercome Symmetry Boss Mode without losing any lives
Taking Control of the ProcessorKill 100 players in DeathMatch Mode
Turing TestedWin Symmetry entire campaign without losing any lives
Uniform ReductionWin Entropy's forth level without losing any lives
Unit TestResist for 5 minutes
Voronoi RulesFinish the first level of Symmetry without losing any lifes