Achievement | How to unlock
Access Denied Override | Destroy Death Mill without losing any lives
Backpropagation Death | Win 5 games in a row
Binomial Coefficients Reached | Win Entropy's third level without losing any lives
Block Cipher-Detention | Win a DeathMatch with 0 deaths
Blowfish Oponent | Kill a player you're dominating 5 times
Breaking Markov's Chain | Get 50 revenges
Breaking the Loop | Win Symmetry's second level without losing any lives
Brute Force | Win 100 deathmatch games
Catch Exception by Destroying | Destroy Carrier without losing any lives
Clean the Vault | Destroy Hive without losing any lives
Coloring the Graph | Get 50 dominations
Convergency Reached | Overcome Entropy Boss Mode without losing any lives
Dedicated System | Survive for 2 hours
Depth First Seach | Play through 15 levels in a row
Destroy unused pointers | Kill 1000 players in DeathMatch Mode
Dijkstra's Supremacy | Win Symmetry's forth level without losing any lives
Eight Queen Solved | kill a player you're dominating 8 times
Exponential Order | Score 10 000 000 points
Extended Life-Cycle | Resist for 30 minutes
Fibonacci Completed | Get first blood on 50 games
First In First Out | Get first blood on a game
First Iteration | Get a domination
Gaussian Elimination | Win Entropy's first level without losing any lives
Greedy Strategy | Get all three upgrades within 30 seconds
Heat Death of the Universe | Win Entropy entire campaign without losing any lives
Kill Stagnant Process | Destroy Arsenal without losing any lives
Monopolizing Resources | Win 10 games in a row
Multiagents Controlled | Destroy HellWorm without losing any lives
Normal Domination Box | Win Entropy's fifth level without losing any lives
NP-Complete | Play through 20 levels in a row
NP-Hard | Play through 20 levels in a row without needing a retry
Overclocking the System | Win Symmetry's third level without losing any lives
Performance Test | Resist for 10 minutes
Pivot Disruption | Destroy Pyramid without losing any lives
Poisson Kill Sample | Win Entropy's second level without losing any lives
Priority Queue-First out | Get a revenge
Quick Sorting the Enemies | Kill 5 players in a row without dying once
Red-Black Balance | Get a revenge against a player who has killed you 8 times in a row
Removing Duplicates in Array | Kill 10 players in a row without dying once
Resource Optimization | Obtain 10 lives
Root Found Problem Solved | Get a revenge against a player who has killed you 5 times in a row
Run Garbage Collector | Destroy Plasma Core without losing any lives
Sequential Search | Play through 10 levels in a row
Stack Overflow | Score 1 000 000 points
System Reset | Overcome Symmetry Boss Mode without losing any lives
Taking Control of the Processor | Kill 100 players in DeathMatch Mode
Turing Tested | Win Symmetry entire campaign without losing any lives
Uniform Reduction | Win Entropy's forth level without losing any lives
Unit Test | Resist for 5 minutes
Voronoi Rules | Finish the first level of Symmetry without losing any lifes