Achievement | How to unlock
Bodge Job | Build an upgrade.
Brown Noser | Build a Citizen Card.
Chilled Out | Build the Water Cooling unit.
Clever Dick | Escape the nebula on NORMAL with the ONLY DEVICES restriction.
Coffin Dodger | Escape the nebula on NORMAL or HARD with no deaths.
Cooking with Gas | Escape the nebula on HARD.
Cor Blimey! | Escape the nebula on HARD BASTARD.
Guy Fawkes | Escape the nebula on NORMAL with the ONLY INDIRECT restriction.
Human Resource | Build the HR Computer.
Kippers for Breakfast | Blow up a void whale.
Lombard | Loot a pupbot.
Mahatma | Escape the nebula on NORMAL with the UNARMED restriction.
Mingin | Catch a garbage collector.
Off the Hook | Escape the nebula on HARD BASTARD with no deaths.
Shiver Their Timbers | Survive a pirate encounter.
Software Pirate | Build the Transmitter.
Sorted | Escape the nebula.
Specially Selected | Get killed by pirates.
Squaddie | Escape the nebula on NORMAL with the ONLY FIREARMS restriction.
Staff Turnover | Rehydrate a second client.
Swanning Around | Pilot S.T.E.V. to nebula depth two.
Tight Arse | Escape the nebula on NORMAL without building any non progress upgrades.
Tooled Up | Upgrade the regulator.
Trainspotter | Build every upgrade.