Achievement | How to unlock
Acrobat | Reach maximum value of Throwing power.
Across the Sea | Complete Noax's request.
All Alone | Complete the Mysterious Trader's request.
Arcane Collector | Collect all arcane items.
August's Adventure | Help August during his adventure.
Beg from Beggar | Beg to Drew five times.
Broken Wings | Stop the crazy Doctor.
Bruna's Redemption | Defeat Brood Mother.
By the Will of Dephil | Wake Daisy's soul inside the Devourer.
Cloth Collector | Get at least one of every equipment in game (including rings)
Complete the Vigil Trial | Defeat the Ancient Guard once.
Connoisseur | Collect all seven lost paintings.
Craftsman's Persistence | Forge five weapon/equipment enchanted and reach to +7.
Detective Leila | Help Thurber W. Sungi's investigation.
Eyes on You | Get the Fallen Eyeball from Hilda.
Faster and Faster | Complete the dual weapon skill tree.
Flames Doom | Defeat Erupting Flesh Cluster.
Glass Hearted | Don't shake it anymore!
Golden Dream | Find the Golden Slime.
Great Arcanist | Reach maximum value of Arcane power.
Her Last Supper | Defeat Lord of the Misty Lake.
Home Sweet Home | Collect all furniture.
I Want Them All | Complete all skill trees.
I want to be a Vigilant! | Welcome to the world of Vigil: The Longest Night!
I'm RICH | Buy Buffe's house.
It's all about Practice | Complete the bow skill tree.
Let's Play! | Give Isabella the ball.
Light of Doom | Defeat Light Devourer.
Lost Fortune | Find Hamilton's belongings.
Miner Savior | Save all miners then talk to Edward.
Most Correct Choice | Give the Cubic Crystals to the Doctor.
Mysterious Pen Pal | Complete Duran's quest.
Night Hunter | Defeat the Craving Terror outside the town.
No Salt Babe | Help James to find the salt.
Running Around | Help Daisy to get the medicine.
SMASH! | Complete the axe skill tree.
Sealed Disaster | Defeat the Evil inside the wood.
Sealed with Hatred | Defeat The North Princess.
Secret of Church | Pass Sister Holly's test.
Skeptic | Followed Hilda's words to relieve the seal.
Storm in Otherworld | Defeat Uptancos.
Survival expert | Complete the survival skill tree.
Sword Master | Complete the sword skill tree.
The First One | Defeat Dephil.
The Tide Rider | Defeat Kelpie, the Lord of Tide.
Top Salesman | Distribute the placebos to the Villagers in town.
Weapon Collector | Get at least one of every weapon in game.