Vigil: The Longest Night (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AcrobatReach maximum value of Throwing power.
Across the SeaComplete Noax's request.
All AloneComplete the Mysterious Trader's request.
Arcane CollectorCollect all arcane items.
August's AdventureHelp August during his adventure.
Beg from BeggarBeg to Drew five times.
Broken WingsStop the crazy Doctor.
Bruna's RedemptionDefeat Brood Mother.
By the Will of DephilWake Daisy's soul inside the Devourer.
Cloth CollectorGet at least one of every equipment in game (including rings)
Complete the Vigil TrialDefeat the Ancient Guard once.
ConnoisseurCollect all seven lost paintings.
Craftsman's PersistenceForge five weapon/equipment enchanted and reach to +7.
Detective LeilaHelp Thurber W. Sungi's investigation.
Eyes on YouGet the Fallen Eyeball from Hilda.
Faster and FasterComplete the dual weapon skill tree.
Flames DoomDefeat Erupting Flesh Cluster.
Glass HeartedDon't shake it anymore!
Golden DreamFind the Golden Slime.
Great ArcanistReach maximum value of Arcane power.
Her Last SupperDefeat Lord of the Misty Lake.
Home Sweet HomeCollect all furniture.
I Want Them AllComplete all skill trees.
I want to be a Vigilant!Welcome to the world of Vigil: The Longest Night!
I'm RICHBuy Buffe's house.
It's all about PracticeComplete the bow skill tree.
Let's Play!Give Isabella the ball.
Light of DoomDefeat Light Devourer.
Lost FortuneFind Hamilton's belongings.
Miner SaviorSave all miners then talk to Edward.
Most Correct ChoiceGive the Cubic Crystals to the Doctor.
Mysterious Pen PalComplete Duran's quest.
Night HunterDefeat the Craving Terror outside the town.
No Salt BabeHelp James to find the salt.
Running AroundHelp Daisy to get the medicine.
SMASH!Complete the axe skill tree.
Sealed DisasterDefeat the Evil inside the wood.
Sealed with HatredDefeat The North Princess.
Secret of ChurchPass Sister Holly's test.
SkepticFollowed Hilda's words to relieve the seal.
Storm in OtherworldDefeat Uptancos.
Survival expertComplete the survival skill tree.
Sword MasterComplete the sword skill tree.
The First OneDefeat Dephil.
The Tide RiderDefeat Kelpie, the Lord of Tide.
Top SalesmanDistribute the placebos to the Villagers in town.
Weapon CollectorGet at least one of every weapon in game.