Victoria - An Empire Under the Sun (PC)

Cheat Codes

When playing game press F12 then type any of these cheats below and press enter again:

Code - Effect

TRANSPORTS - Get Transports
PRESTIGE - Get Prestige
MONEY - Get loads of Money
LEADERSHIP - Get Leaders
DIFRULES - Play like a God
NOWAR - No War
NOREVOLTS - Defeat all
NOLIMIT - No Troops Limits
NOFOG - No Fog
HANDSOFF - Hands off all
SHOWID - Get Province IDs
FULLCONTROL - Total Control

Resource Cheats

Press F12 to bring up the cheat prompt. Then type in code and press enter. Pressing up after hitting enter re-enters the last code entered. All these cheats add to your national resource stockpile.

+10 morale to naval unitsevent 200
+10 organization to naval unitsevent 201
+2 fire value for infantryevent 112
100 amunitionammunition
100 artilleryartillery
100 cattlecattle
100 cementcement
100 coalcoal
100 coffeecoffee
100 cottoncotton
100 dyedye
100 explosivesexplosives
100 fabricfabric
100 fertilizerfertilizer
100 fruitfruit
100 fuelfuel
100 furniturefurniture
100 glassglass
100 graingrain
100 ironiron
100 liquorliquor
100 lumberlumber
100 oiloil
100 opiumopium
100 steelsteel
100 sulfursulfur
100 teatea
100 timbertimber
100 tobaccotobacco
100 winewine
100 woolwool
Allows Commerce Raidersevent 214
Allows Corvettesevent 212
Allows Cruisers, disable Frigateevent 217
Allows defense against gas attacksevent 110
Allows Destroyersevent 219
Allows Dreadnoughtsevent 220
Allows gas attacksevent 109
Allows Heavy Cruisersevent 221
Allows Ironcladsevent 215
Allows Monitorsevent 216
Allows steamer transports (replace clipper)event 213
Allows Torpedo Boatsevent 218
Annex Texasevent 14206
Clausewitzian: +5 organization to land unitsevent 101
Converts slaves into laborersevent 16301
Destroys a random factory, where XYZ is the tag of the owner of the factoryevent 24025 XYZ
Free cavalry division, -12 Manpowerevent 23019
Free dragoon division, -12 Manpowerevent 23018
Free infantry division, -10 Manpowerevent 23017
Get 8 research pointsevent 24008
Grants 100 canned foodcanned_food
Grants 100 luxury furnitureluxury_furniture
Grants 100 small armssmall_arms
Grants 100 tropical woodtropical_wood
Grants you a random technology you do not have yetevent 24037
Increases Prestige by 10, improves relations with three random nearby nations by 25event 24020
Increases the output of a Precious Metal RGO by 10event 24013
Jominian: +20 morale to all land unitsevent 100
Make Mexico a satelliteevent 14203
Quebec becomes satelliteevent 14180
Reduce militancy and consciousness by 7 for all population groupsevent 15000
Reduces your whole nation's militancy by 2event 22013 (note: requires Bureucracy invention)
Triggers a Communist revolution - Country becomes a Proletarian Dictatorshipevent 23100
Triggers a Conservative revolution - Country becomes a Presidential Dictatorshipevent 23103
Triggers a Liberal revolution - Country becomes a Democracyevent 23101
Triggers a Reactionary revolution - Country becomes a Monarchyevent 23102
Upgrades the rail level of a random province you own by 1event 24012