Effect | Password
+10 morale to naval units | event 200
+10 organization to naval units | event 201
+2 fire value for infantry | event 112
100 amunition | ammunition
100 artillery | artillery
100 cattle | cattle
100 cement | cement
100 coal | coal
100 coffee | coffee
100 cotton | cotton
100 dye | dye
100 explosives | explosives
100 fabric | fabric
100 fertilizer | fertilizer
100 fruit | fruit
100 fuel | fuel
100 furniture | furniture
100 glass | glass
100 grain | grain
100 iron | iron
100 liquor | liquor
100 lumber | lumber
100 oil | oil
100 opium | opium
100 steel | steel
100 sulfur | sulfur
100 tea | tea
100 timber | timber
100 tobacco | tobacco
100 wine | wine
100 wool | wool
Allows Commerce Raiders | event 214
Allows Corvettes | event 212
Allows Cruisers, disable Frigate | event 217
Allows defense against gas attacks | event 110
Allows Destroyers | event 219
Allows Dreadnoughts | event 220
Allows gas attacks | event 109
Allows Heavy Cruisers | event 221
Allows Ironclads | event 215
Allows Monitors | event 216
Allows steamer transports (replace clipper) | event 213
Allows Torpedo Boats | event 218
Annex Texas | event 14206
Clausewitzian: +5 organization to land units | event 101
Converts slaves into laborers | event 16301
Destroys a random factory, where XYZ is the tag of the owner of the factory | event 24025 XYZ
Free cavalry division, -12 Manpower | event 23019
Free dragoon division, -12 Manpower | event 23018
Free infantry division, -10 Manpower | event 23017
Get 8 research points | event 24008
Grants 100 canned food | canned_food
Grants 100 luxury furniture | luxury_furniture
Grants 100 small arms | small_arms
Grants 100 tropical wood | tropical_wood
Grants you a random technology you do not have yet | event 24037
Increases Prestige by 10, improves relations with three random nearby nations by 25 | event 24020
Increases the output of a Precious Metal RGO by 10 | event 24013
Jominian: +20 morale to all land units | event 100
Make Mexico a satellite | event 14203
Quebec becomes satellite | event 14180
Reduce militancy and consciousness by 7 for all population groups | event 15000
Reduces your whole nation's militancy by 2 | event 22013 (note: requires Bureucracy invention)
Triggers a Communist revolution - Country becomes a Proletarian Dictatorship | event 23100
Triggers a Conservative revolution - Country becomes a Presidential Dictatorship | event 23103
Triggers a Liberal revolution - Country becomes a Democracy | event 23101
Triggers a Reactionary revolution - Country becomes a Monarchy | event 23102
Upgrades the rail level of a random province you own by 1 | event 24012