Vector Thrust (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A day in the skyFly for at least 24 hours.
A view to a killHit the front of an enemy aircraft 500 times.
Accomplished AttainerHave rank S or higher in any field in the player stats all tab.
Ace in the holeHave rank SSS or higher in 5 fields in the the player stats all tab.
Airborn CenturyFly for at least 100 hours.
AirmilesFly for at least 14 hours.
AirmilesFly for at least 42 hours.
Almost lost countKill 50 units in a single match.
AnnihilationDestroy 100 units simultaneously in a single blast.
Arc LightDestroy 500 targets with unguided drop bombs.
Around the WorldFly more than 40075 km.
Badge CollectorHave rank SS or higher in 5 fields in the the player stats all tab.
Baked DozenDestroy 12 units simultaneously.
Beat ThatComplete a mission with the final result score being more than 100000 points.
Big Blast RadiusDestroy a unit at a distance equal or greater than 200m from the blast center.
Blast FurnaceDestroy a unit at a distance equal or greater than 35 km from the blast center.
BloodthirstyKill 10 units in a single match.
Blue Sky ThinkingReach 20 km altitude.
BombardeerDestroy 50 targets with unguided drop bombs.
Bomber CommandDestroy 2000 targets with unguided drop bombs.
Bombs AwayDestroy 10 targets with unguided drop bombs.
BullyPlay 10 skirmish battles.
Can愒 catch meReach Mach 4 speed.
Can愒 missDestroy 100 targets with guided drop bombs.
Carpet BomberDestroy 500 targets with a Cluster warhead.
Century SlayerKill 100 units in a single match.
Cloak and DaggerShot down 10 aircraft without being detected.
Clung to LifeFinish a mission with less than 1% HP.
Cluster CatastropheDestroy 100 targets with a Cluster warhead.
Collateral damageDestroy 10 Neutral targets.
Countless KillsKill 25 units in a single match.
Dark ArtsShot down 100 aircraft without being detected.
Death from AboveDestroy a Bomber with unguided drop bombs.
Death from below.Destroy 50 ground vehicles from below.
Distant DeathShoot down an aircraft at a distance higher than 37 km.
Distant DetonationDestroy a unit at a distance equal or greater than 10 km from the blast center.
Dogfight veteran!Kill 100 enemy aircraft at close range with any weapon.
DominatorFinish a match with a 30:1 Kills:Death ratio.
Done DuoComplete two different Campaigns.
Eat my LeadShoot down 50 aircraft with guns.
Eco friendlyFly 15 km with the engines off.
Effective BlastDestroy 15 units simultaneously in a single blast.
Falling ApartDestroy 50 targets with a Cluster warhead.
Fire At WillFire 50 standard missiles.
FiremasterDestroy 500 targets with a napalm warhead.
FlamethrowerDestroy 1000 targets with a napalm warhead.
Flying AceBe the top scorer in a skirmish battle 50 times.
Fuel SaverFly 1 km with the engines off.
Glide pathFly 30 km with the engines off.
Go GetterHave rank A or higher in any field in the player stats all tab.
Guided KillDestroy 20 targets with guided drop bombs.
Guided to successDestroy 800 targets with guided drop bombs.
GunsmithBe the top scorer in a skirmish battle 10 times.
Head On HammeringHit the front of an enemy aircraft 50 times.
High AchieverHave rank SS or higher in any field in the player stats all tab.
High as Kite?Reach 10 km altitude.
High FlierHave rank SSS or higher in any field in the player stats all tab.
High Score HeroComplete a mission with the final result score being more than 4000 points.
Hot MagazineShoot down 150 aircraft with guns.
Humongous HoarderHave rank A or higher in 5 fields in the player stats all tab.
Hunter GathererHave rank S or higher in 5 fields in the the player stats all tab.
HypersonicReach Mach 5 speed.
I am in piecesDestroy 10 targets with a Cluster warhead.
I can see you!Kill a unit 100 times stealthier than your own unit.
Identity CrisisHave a unit with 30 diferent skins.
In for the killKill an enemy aircraft at close range with any weapon.
In orbitReach 100 km altitude.
Invisible ManShot down 500 aircraft without being detected.
Jester DeadShoot down 10 aircraft with guns.
Just a FleshwoundFinish a mission with equal or less than 10% HP.
Keeping the enemy warmDestroy 100 targets with a napalm warhead.
Killing SpreeFinish a match with a 10:1 Kills:Death ratio.
KillmasterPlay 10000 skirmish battles.
Leave no witnessHit the front of an enemy aircraft 100 times.
Light my FireDestroy 10 targets with a napalm warhead.
Long HaulFly for at least 8 hours.
Look Out BelowDestroy 100 targets with unguided drop bombs.
Lucky ShotDestroy 4 targets simultaneously in a single blast.
Mass DestructionDestroy 50 units simultaneously in a single blast.
MegablastDestroy a unit at a distance equal or greater than 5 km from the blast center.
MesosphericReach 80 km altitude.
Messy MassacreDestroy 20 units simultaneously.
Missile ManiacFire 5000 standard missiles.
Natural Born KillerBe the top scorer in a skirmish battle 500 times.
New LookHave a unit with 22 diferent skins.
No need for assistanceShoot down 50 aircraft at close range with any weapon.
No Need to BoastComplete a mission with the final result score being more than 50000 points.
OctopussiesDestroy 8 units simultaneously.
On Board AceHave rank ACE or higher in any field in the player stats all tab.
PayloadFire 500 standard missiles.
Peerless PilotBe the top scorer in a skirmish battle 100 times.
Points make PrizesComplete a mission with the final result score being more than 10000 points.
Precision deliveryDestroy 300 targets with guided drop bombs.
PrizefighterPlay 1000 skirmish battles.
Projectile VolleyFire 50000 standard missiles.
Purple HeartFinish a mission with equal or less than 5% HP.
RampageFinish a match with a 20:1 Kills:Death ratio.
Red BaronKill 1000 enemy aircraft at close range with any weapon.
Safe KillsShoot down 10 aircraft at a distance higher than 37 km.
Shed my SkinHave a unit with 16 diferent skins.
ShockwaveDestroy a unit at a distance equal or greater than 1 km from the blast center.
Shoot for the topBe the top scorer in a skirmish battle 25 times.
Silent FlightFly 7 km with the engines off.
Simply the BestHave rank ACE or higher in 5 fields in the the player stats all tab.
SingletonComplete a single Campaign.
Sitting DuckHit the front of an enemy aircraft 10 times.
Sky High SniperShoot down 50 aircraft at a distance higher than 37 km.
Sound barrierReach Mach 1 speed.
Space boundReach 50 km altitude.
Stealth KillShot down an aircraft without being detected.
Steel CarnageShoot down 300 aircraft with guns.
StratosphericReach 30 km altitude.
Stunt PilotFly below 100m for 30 minutes.
SupersonicReach Mach 2 speed.
Tattoo youHave a unit with 8 diferent skins.
There愀 nothing leftDestroy 1000 targets with a Cluster warhead.
This is too EasyDestroy 2000 targets with guided drop bombs.
Three is a crowdDestroy 4 units simultaneously.
Thrilled to bitsDestroy 2 units simultaneously.
Top GunShoot down 300 aircraft at a distance higher than 37 km.
Tree HuggerFly below 100m for 10 minutes.
TroublemakerPlay 100 skirmish battles.
True DogfightKill 10 enemy aircraft at close range with any weapon.
Turn up the HeatDestroy 50 targets with a napalm warhead.
UltrasonicReach Mach 3 speed.
Under The RadarFly below 100m for 1 hour.
UnstoppableFinish a match with a 50:1 Kills:Death ratio.
Walking WoundedFinish a mission with equal or less than 30% HP.
Warhead HeroFire 500000 standard missiles.