Vector Strain (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
1 CC BeginnerFinish the game without using any continues on "Beginner" difficulty.
1 CC HardcoreFinish the game without using any continues on "Hardcore" difficulty.
1 CC StandardFinish the game without using any continues on "Standard" difficulty.
10 MilGet a 10 000 000 score.
100 MilGet a 100 000 000 score.
100 StarsGather 100 stars.
20 MilGet a 20 000 000 score.
200 StarsGather 200 Stars.
5 MilGet a 5 000 000 score.
5 Star PlayerComplete all stages with a 5 star rating.
50 MilGet a 50 000 000 score.
50 StarsGather 50 stars.
AvatarUnlock the "Avatar" ship by finishing the game without using any continues on any difficulty.
Avatar CompleteComplete the game with the "Avatar" ship.
No ShieldComplete any stage without using the shield.
OblivionUnlock the "Oblivion" ship by collecting 120 stars.
Oblivion CompleteComplete the game with the "Oblivion" ship.
PerfectionBeat the game without loosing any ship.
Predator CompleteComplete the game with the "Predator" ship.
Raptor CompleteComplete the game with the "Raptor" ship.
Stage 1 BeginnerComplete STAGE 1 on "Beginner" difficulty.
Stage 1 HardcoreComplete STAGE 1 on "Hardcore" difficulty.
Stage 1 StandardComplete STAGE 1 on "Standard" difficulty.
Stage 2 BeginnerComplete STAGE 2 on "Beginner" difficulty.
Stage 2 HardcoreComplete STAGE 2 on "Hardcore" difficulty.
Stage 2 StandardComplete STAGE 2 on "Standard" difficulty.
Stage 3 BeginnerComplete STAGE 3 on "Beginner" difficulty.
Stage 3 HardcoreComplete STAGE 3 on "Hardcore" difficulty.
Stage 3 StandardComplete STAGE 3 on "Standard" difficulty.
Stage 4 BeginnerComplete STAGE 4 on "Beginner" difficulty.
Stage 4 HardcoreComplete STAGE 4 on "Hardcore" difficulty.
Stage 4 StandardComplete STAGE 4 on "Standard" difficulty.
Stage 5 BeginnerComplete STAGE 5 on "Beginner" difficulty.
Stage 5 HardcoreComplete STAGE 5 on "Hardcore" difficulty.
Stage 5 StandardComplete STAGE 5 on "Standard" difficulty.
Vector CompleteComplete the game with the "Vector" ship.