Code | Effect
vstats get automatic_soak_successes < 1-10 > | Add indicated value to all soak rolls
vstats get automatic_str_successes < 1-10) | Add indicated value to unarmed and melee combat feat rolls
vchar_edit_histories 1 | Can give character a history during creation
vclan player_chocula | Clan Chocula
quit | Exit to the desktop
giftxp < number > | Get experience points
god | God mode
money < number > | Increase some female breast size by indicated amount
notarget | Invisible to everyone
vhelp | List all console commands
cmdlist | List console commands
vitems | List items that can be spawned
impulse 101 | Most items and weapons
noclip | No clipping mode
vstats sell | Sell off dots in any attribute for experience points
vstats get < stat > < 0-5 > | Set indicated attribute to indicated value
blood | Set player character's blood pool to approximately 75% full
blood < number > | Set player character's blood pool to indicated amount
vskip_intro | Skip sequence when sire is executed
give item_a_ | Spawn clothing; cursor up or down to scroll console list
give item_g_ | Spawn item; cursor up or down to scroll console list
give item_m_ | Spawn money item; cursor up or down to scroll console list
give item_p_ | Spawn vampire artifact or book; cursor up or down to scroll console list
give item_w_ | Spawn weapon; cursor up or down to scroll console list
debug_infinite_ammo 2 | Unlimited ammo for all weapons except flamethrower
vstats buy | Use up any xp pooled from the vstats sell code