Vampires: Guide Them to Safety! (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Bad luckFail 5 times in a row in the same level.
Blood houndObtain grail in all levels.
Born to be impaledVampire is killed by a mobile wooden stake.
Bullet timeSafely avoid gunfire.
Casual heroSave 50 vampires.
Escort serviceGet a queen home for the first time.
FarewellFall down the well.
First bloodPick up the first grail.
For a fistful of goldObtain 30 golden medals.
Fragrant explosionVampire stepped on a garlic mine.
Funeral RoyaleYou've let your queen die.
Gold-stamped bindingGet golden medals for an entire book.
Golden childObtain the first golden medal.
Good morning, sunshineWatch the sunrise.
Grail seekerPick up 15 grails.
Green hat redemptionGet rid of an assassin.
Heart of GoldObtain all golden medals.
Mirror of doomVampire is killed by a mirror.
Mr. ClumsyFail 10 times in a row in the same level.
Pike riderSafely avoid a mobile wooden stake.
Rotation Master100 clicks in a single level? Why?
Royal interventionDestroy 10 traps with the queen.
Silver bulletVampire is killed by a gun.
Sleep wellSave 10 vampires.
Smoke and mirrorsSafely avoid mirror.
Switch off that light!Vampire is killed by light.
Vampire decimationSacrifice 10 vampires.
Vampire hunterSacrifice 50 vampires.
Vampire saverSave 100 vampires.
Vampire slayerSacrifice 100 vampires.
VampirocideSacrifice 500 vampires.
VampirologistSave 500 vampires.