Urban Trial Playground (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Conquering California IUnlock Level 15.
Conquering California IIUnlock Level 30.
Conquering California IIIUnlock all Levels.
Done and DoneComplete all Challenges.
Fully preparedUnlock all Motorbikes.
Gotta go fast!Complete "Late 2 Gate" with zero crashes and without hitting the brakes.
He's got itPerform 1,000 Tricks playing as Tommy.
JackpotCollect all Chips.
Look ma, no hands IGet x10 score multiplier.
Look ma, no hands IIGet x15 score multiplier.
Look ma, no hands IIIGet x20 score multiplier.
Master scoreScore 500,000 points in one run on any Level.
Playground well-playedComplete all Levels with 5 star rating.
Pro scoreScore 250,000 points in one run on any Level.
Sausage flipFrontflip over the Hotdog in "Sup Dawg".
She's got itPerform 1,000 Tricks playing as Riley.
Skills on wheels IScore 100,000 points in one Combo.
Skills on wheels IIScore 300,000 points in one Combo.
Skills on wheels IIIScore 500,000 points in one Combo.
Stoppie festScore 20,000 points by performing a single Stoppie.
That'll leave a markCrash 100 times.
Tricky!Perform 5,000 total Tricks.
Wheelie festScore 20,000 points by performing a single Wheelie.