Unexplored (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Light in Dark PlacesBring light to a particular hall in The Underdark in Moryondor.
A Long Way DownReach the second level of the Dungeon of Doom.
A Magical Secret...Copy a Scroll of Enchanting.
A Sword with a StingKill twenty enemies with the sword Fang.
A Taste For BloodBecome a vampire.
AbstinenceDiscover four levels on Normal or Hard without using any Healing Potions.
An AudienceReach the court of the Crimson King in The Dark Ritual.
AntidoteKill twenty Poisonous Creeps in the Ripley Run.
ArchmageCreate a fireball staff +5 as a Wizard on Hard.
Artsy-CraftsyCraft a Potion of Explosion in the Ripley Run.
AssassinAs a Rogue score thirty stealth kills against Kobolds, Goblins, Ratlings, Harpies, or Orcs, on Hard.
Avoid a Fiery FateTrigger the Staff of Fiery Doom and live...
Batteries Not IncludedRecharge a spent magic staff.
Better Safe than SorryUse a scroll to identified a cursed magic item.
Better Than the Pied PiperSlay a giant poisonous rat.
BlessedAcquire Holy Water in The Dark Ritual.
Blood, Sweat, and MagicForge a runic item.
BombadierSet off twelve bombs.
Brave or Foolish?Discover seven levels in a hard game after starting without any equipment (except for your cloak)
BuffGet sixty Hit Points in the Ripley Run.
Bug HunterKill hundred Crawlers in the Ripley Run.
CollectorCollect twelve Potions of Explosion in the Ripley Run.
CracklingFind the Staff of Lightning in the Ripley Run.
CraftsmanCraft a magic sword in Moryondor.
Creep FarmerKill a Creep to acquire its blood in The Dark Ritual.
CunningCraft a potion of Invisibility in The Dark Ritual.
Dare DevilQuaff an unidentified potion.
Deep DelverDiscover five levels in the Dungeon of Doom.
DisinfectorDefeat the Infector in the Ripley Run.
Dodge This!Kill a boss with a pistol or musket.
Dual Wielding!Find another repeater crossbow in the Ripley Run.
DuellistBest the Goblin Master Swordmaster.
Eehw!Identify the Minotaur's magic nose ring by wearing it.
Escaped!Escape the Dungeon of Doom.
ExplorerVisit all nine floors of Moryondor.
ExterminatorKill hundred Creeps in the Ripley Run.
FearlessDefeat a Wraith in The Dark Ritual.
Feel the ForceRead a Scroll of Detect Magic.
Fighting Fire with SteelDefeat a kobold mage.
Finders KeepersCollect 48 arrows.
Fire ProofedForge the Fire Ant Armor.
For BreakfastKill hundred Eggs in the Ripley Run.
FrugalDon't fire your bow until you reach the Living Quarters in the Ripley Run.
Geared UpCraft a magic shield as the Human Warrior in Moryondor.
Getting Ahead of Yourself?Destroy a powerful magic ring in the depths of Moryondor..
GoblinbaneDefeat 24 Moryondor Goblins.
Hawk EyeAs an Archer hit 24 enemy creatures in a row without missing once on Hard.
Heel Boy!Defeat Big Dog.
Hell Yeah!Enchant the repeater crossbow, 'cause you can!
Impaler of VladsKill the Vampire Lord.
In a HurryTeleport back to the Mansion in The Dark Ritual.
InquisitiveDefeat the Inquisitor in the Ripley Run
InsaneFace The Great Old One in The Dark Ritual.
Into The AbyssClimb down a chasm in The Dark Ritual.
InvestigatorExplore the Mansion's Library in The Dark Ritual.
It's a TombOpen the tomb in the Great Hall of Moryondor.
King Under The MountainDefeat the Goblin King of Moryondor.
King of The OceanDefeat twenty enemies with the same trident.
Knee-DeepScore 250 Kills in the Ripley Run.
Knife FighterDefeat twenty enemies with the same dagger.
Knight ErrantPut the Void Knight to rest.
KnowledgeableIdentify all types of scrolls in a single run.
Like a True OdysseusSlay the Cyclops.
Like a True TombraiderDisarm a trap.
Long Live the KingWear the Orc King's Crown.
Lore MasterExplore the Hidden Library in the Great Hall of Moryondor.
Master DungeoneerUnlock all owl doors in Moryondor.
Master of ArmsAs a Warrior kill hundred enemies with your starting sword on Hard.
MasterfullAs a Barbarian kill fifty enemies on Hard without healing or eating once.
Mithril MinerCollect twelve pieces of Mithril ore as the Dwarf Warrior in Moryondor.
Nimble FingersPick a lock on a door or chest.
Nine-Jah RepellentDefeat the Kobold Nine-Jah.
No More to Explore?Discover all levels in the Dungeon of Doom.
No SteroidsDiscover twelve levels on Normal or Hard without using more than one Potion of Strength.
No Stone UnturnedExplore all ten levels of The Dark Ritual.
Patched UpRepair your sword after it was corroded in the Ripley Run..
Pumpkin SoupDefeat Big Jack.
QuenchedIdentify all types of potions in a single run.
RecklessDefeat a Flesh Golem in The Dark Ritual.
Rest The BonesPut a Skeleton permanently to rest.
Ripped HerDefeat the Visitor Queen in the Ripley Run.
Saint GeorgeSlay a real Dragon!
Second BreakfastCollect twelve rations in Moryondor.
Set For LifeCollect thousand gold and treasure in Moryondor.
Simply Being BritishBrew some tea.
SmugSet off 24 sacks of gunpowder as the Musketeer on Hard.
Sneaky GitPerform twenty stealth kills as the Halfling Rogue in Moryondor.
Solid as a RockDefeat a Winged Gargoyle.
Spell CasterCast a spell to reveal a treasure in The Dark Ritual.
StingyCollect 72 arrows as the Elf Archer in Moryondor.
Stolen LivesYou used the a Staff of Steal Life to heal twenty times.
StrictAs a Cleric score fifty kills on Hard without using weapons that cause piercing or slashing damage.
Super MunchkinDiscover ten levels while wearing the Duck of Doom.
SwordsmanIdentify a sword by defeating twenty enemies with it.
The Butchers QuestKill the Goblin Butcher.
The Fountain of YouthCraft a Potion of Life.
The Lost ArtCraft a Mithril Shirt in Moryondor.
The Magic BowFind a magic bow in Moryondor.
The Magic CircleFind the Ritual location in The Dark Ritual.
The Obsidian DaggerAcquire the Obsidian Dagger in The Dark Ritual.
The Real NinjaDefeat twenty enemies with shuriken.
The Root of EvilDestroy the Monstrous Vine.
The Silver SwordAcquire the Silver Sword in The Dark Ritual.
The Skull KeyFind the Skull Key in The Dark Ritual.
The Ultimate TrophyForge a Staff of White Fire.
ThoroughVisit all eleven floors in the Mining Colony in the Ripley Run.
Tourist TrapBuy a picture from the Elven Vendor.
Tribal TeethCraft a necklace of orc teeth.
Trophy HunterCollect seven Throphies in the Ripley Run.
VandalBreak five clay figurines in The Dark Ritual.
VengefulDefeat twelve Cultists in The Dark Ritual.
Well-PreparedAs an Adventurer defeat four bosses on Hard.
Well-PreparedCraft of Potion of Resist Fire in the Ripley Run.
Who's The Boss?Kill the Conjurer.
WiryDiscover eight levels on Normal or Hard without using more than one Potion of Life.
You Lucky BastardUse a scroll to identify a benevolent magic weapon or armor.
You Shall Not PassDefeat the Balrog of Moryondor as the Wizard.
You Should Move To HamelenKill hundred rats in a single dungeon run.
Your Very First Goblin!Defeat a goblin.