Underworld Ascendant (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Arcane RegenerationRegained a massive amount of health using Arcane Regeneration.
Balancing ActBalanced on a plank.
Bark And BiteDefeated a Ripper.
Bound TimeDispatched an enemy who was bound while time was slowed.
Box MasterJumped on a levitated box
Cat BurglarGathered a key item without being detected.
Cautious First StepsSnuck by initial foes without being detected.
Cheated DeathUsed "Merciful Fate" to cheat death.
Combo AttackPerformed a combo attack with a sword, axe, or without a weapon.
CrawstuckJammed a trap with an object.
Deadly SorcererKilled an enemy with spells.
Diverting BehaviorCaused an enemy to investigate a sound.
Dual CasterSuccessfully casted a spell with two runestones.
Dynamics of ReversalReflected projectile.
Environment MasterCaused multiple enemies to be killed by physics damage.
Fire KillCaused an enemy to be killed by Fire.
Flawless VictoryResolved a combat encounter against multiple opponents who detected me without taking damage.
Formulaic ExpertSuccessfully casted a spell with four runestones.
Friend of Deep SlugsFeed a Deep Slug one of it's favorite foods.
Hard To ReachSwitched a lever without touching it
Incite CommotionEnemies convinced to turn on each other.
Long JumpLeap Boldly Ascendant.
Long Wall RunThe world is your playground.
Meteoric DemiseKilled an enemy with a burning crate.
Mind KillerA Mind Crippler was killed indirectly.
Night VisionBecause the darkness should fear you.
ParryA good fighter knows when to Parry.
Physics KillCaused an enemy to be killed by physics damage.
Pit FallenKilled an enemy with a trap.
PouncePounced on an enemy.
PyromaniacCaused multiple enemies to be killed by Fire.
Saurian SlideThe Saurians passed this technique down for generations.
Seasoned Silent AssassinKilled several enemies without being detected.
Secrets of the Deep SlugsHid in a Deep Slug smoke trail.
Secrets of Wall RunningUsed Wall Run off a free object.
Silent AssassinKilled an enemy without being detected.
TrapperKilled multiple enemies with traps.
Trapper KeeperBound or stuck in place a creature, who was then dispatched by a trap device.
Tripwire ExpertKilled an enemy with a tripwire.
Uncompromising ObstructionBlocked an arrow with a held object.
Undetected DistractionCaused a creature to investigate a sound, but was undetected.
Unseen AscendantResolved multiple quest objectives undetected.
Untouchable AssassinDefeated an enemy without being damaged.
Weaponized SlugKilled an enemy using a Deep Slug trail.
What Wizards Know and Others Don'tRebranded a wand with a new spell.