
Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!Survived at least 30 matches in Survival Mode.
Are You Up Seth?Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Seth. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Around the WaldUnknown.
Attack on ScoreScored over 300,000,000 in Score Attack Mode.
Between a Stein and a Hard PlaceExecuted a 20+ hit combo using Waldstein. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Blitz off More than You Could ChewDealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Akatsuki. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
But for Real ThoughDealt 300,000 damage in a single training session.
By Any Other NameDealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Linne. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Can I Go Now?Dealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Eltnum. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Can't Buy HappinessHave more than 200,000 IP.
Could This Get Any Worth?Perform an Infinite Worth (Cannot be done in Training, VS, VS CPU, and Network Modes)
Don't You Tsundare!Finished Arcade Mode with Nanase. Wh-What? Not like this is a big deal... I'm not happy about it, or anything.
Dr. JekyllDealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Hyde. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Ein Krieg Für SiegFinished Arcade Mode with Akatsuki. I am the god of thunder... Nothing can stop me!
En-Chain-TingPerform a Chain Shift (Cannot be done in Training, VS, VS CPU, and Network Modes)
Everything in EXSUsed every character's Infinite Worth EXS (Cannot be done in Training, VS, VS CPU, and Network Modes)
Game, Seth, MatchUnknown.
Got CardedModified the Card information in the customization options.
Hyde and SeekUnknown.
I RuleUnknown.
I Wanna Be in Pictures!Played back a replay in Replay Mode.
I'll Be ByakExecuted a 90+ hit combo using Byakuya. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
If It Bleeds, We Can Kill ItUnknown.
Infinite MonkeysUnknown.
It's Hard MerkDealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Merkava. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Lemme Take a SelfieUnknown.
Life Finds a WayFinished Arcade Mode with Chaos. Here at Amnesia, we're recruiting talented soldiers, any time... Any day.
Living in ColorUnlocked over 20 colors of any given character.
Ms. Eltnum, Tear Down This Wall!Finished Arcade Mode with Eltnum. Very well done, you Melty Blood enthusiast.
NanansenseDealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Nanase. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Nerve UsExecuted a 70+ hit combo using Vatista. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Over the HildaExecuted a 70+ hit combo using Hilda. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Perpendicular LinneFinished Arcade Mode with Linne. The
Piece of CakeUnknown.
Purple HarvestExecuted a 40+ hit combo using Gordeau. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Raise Shields!Perform a Shield (Cannot be done in Training, VS, VS CPU, and Network Modes)
Rein in BloodFinished Arcade Mode with Carmine. Reason to fight? Ha, I don't have one of those...
RezoningExecuted a 30+ hit combo using Yuzuriha. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Thanks for Playing!Unknown.
The Labors of MerkulesUnknown.
The Nerve of That Woman!Finished Arcade Mode with Vatista. That... Is not necessary for our kind, the Autonomic Nerves...
The Net is Vast and InfiniteFought a Ranked match.
TheoreticallyDealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Chaos. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
There's a Whole in My HeartUnlocked all the illustrations in Gallery Mode.
Thicker Than WaterDealt a 5,000+ damage combo using Carmine. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Time for The UnveilingPerform a Veil Off (Cannot be done in Training, VS, VS CPU, and Network Modes)
Time Heals All Wounds...HopefullyFinished Time Attack Mode in under 10 minutes.
Two Shades Of GreyUnknown.
Welcome to HeelExecuted a 40+ hit combo using Orie. (Training Mode OK, with any settings)
Welcome to the JungleStarted playing the game. In the night's darkest hour, you have travelled deeper into the abyss.
Whose Scythe Are You On?Unknown.
You Half to Trust MeUnlocked over 50% of the illustrations in Gallery Mode.