Undermine (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
#BlessedDefeated a Hoarding Pilfer.
A Dangerous AllyRescued Lillyth.
A Friend In NeedAssisted Beltrame.
A Loyal CustomerJoined the Pilfer Loyalty Program.
A Mere StatisticDied 50 times.
A Pebble in the RoadDefeated Mortar, Charged Golem.
A Slightly Larger StatisticDied 100 times.
A True AdventurerUnknown.
A Very Loyal CustomerCompletely expanded the Pilfer shop.
Artisan ICrafted a new relic.
Artisan IICrafted 10 new relics.
Artisan IIICrafted 20 new relics.
BandolierFully expanded the potion slots.
Belt LoopExpanded the potion slot once.
Between a Rock and a Hard PlaceDefeated the Rockpile Mimic without upgrades.
Bomb HoarderHeld 99 bombs at once.
Careful PlanningTransmuted 3 Relics at the same time using Transmutagen.
Chemist ICrafted a new potion.
Chemist IICrafted 10 new potions.
Defiler of the DeadPeeped 100 skeletons.
Delving In DelvemoreEntered the Delvemore Dungeon.
Destroyer of DarknessDefeated Noori, Spectre of Darkness without upgrades.
Did You Read Them First?Destroyed 20 signs.
Easy Come, Easy GoLost 5,000 gold to pilfers.
Forbid-din HallsEntered the Halls of Din.
FoxyFully upgraded the tunic.
Glutton for PunishmentHealed 1,000 hp using food in one run.
Good BoysUnknown.
Hail To The KingDefeated Selt, Mortar, and Noori with the same peasant.
Heart of DarknessRescued Kurtz.
I Found A ShortcutUnknown.
I Was Saving ThatUnknown.
Is This a Friend?Met Black Rabbit.
It's Pronounced NuclearFully upgraded the bombs.
Key HoarderHeld 99 keys at once.
Like a GloveFully upgraded the gloves.
Maximum IntegrityFully upgraded the goldsack.
MimickedRescued Dodson.
Money GrubbersThwarted 500 pilfers.
Never Tell Me the OddsHad something popcorn 5 times in a row.
Not An Ordinary RockDefeated the Rockpile Mimic.
PatronSpent 10,000 gold at shops.
Patron IISpent 50,000 gold at shops.
Patron IIISpent 100,000 gold at shops.
Perfectly BalancedFully upgraded the counter weight.
PiracyStole an item from the shop.
PurifiedCleansed a curse for the first time.
Ready For BusinessCompletely expanded Dibble's shop.
Returned to His ForgeRescued Wayland.
Scribe ILearned a new blessing.
Scribe IILearned 10 new blessings.
Staying PositiveRescued Dibble.
Stone Is Never Just StoneDefeated the Dungeon Gargoyles.
Stop, Drop, and Roll... in WaterPut yourself out in water.
Supermarket SweepBought every item in a fully expanded shop.
Tastes Better This WayAte cooked food for the first time.
Tempting FateHad 6 curses active at the same time.
The Cat and the ToadUnknown.
They Were Only PeasantsDied 10 times.
They Weren't Going to Use ItPeeped 10 skeletons.
ThunderstruckDefeated Mortar, Charged Golem without upgrades.
Trusty PickaxeFully upgraded the pickaxe.
Walk Without RhythmDefeated Selt, Lord of Sand.
Why Can't I Hold All These Potions?Held 3 of the same potion at the same time.
Worm TamerDefeated Selt, Lord of Sand without upgrades.
You Attack The DarknessDefeated Noori, Spectre of Darkness.