Achievement | How to unlock
'Making Headway' Completed | You reached the objective in 'Making Headway'!
'The Clay Pit' Completed | You reached the objective in 'The Clay Pit'!
Alternate Route | In 'Muckroot Mining Site', get 15 population and ratings of 45% in Food, Security and Comfort without refining any scandium or terbium.
Biohazard | Kill 300 swarmers in 'Muckroot Mining Site'
Built on Clay | In 'The Clay Pit', get 15 population, 200 credits and 40% in Food, Security and Comfort.
Clay Pit Completed | You completed The Clay Pit!
Conservationist | Complete 'Twinkler Island' (Normal or Hard) without killing any twinklers, thunder chickens, bajingans, bush dragons or binal rats.
Guns producer | Produce 10 blackpowder rifles and 20 blackpowder ammo on Fields of Tau Ceti (Normal or Hard)
Gunsmith | Produce 10 blackpowder rifles and 20 blackpowder ammo in 'Fields of Tau Ceti' (Normal or Hard)
Hide producer | In 'Fields of Tau Ceti' (Normal or Hard), produce 50 thunder chicken tanned hides, 40 whipjaw tanned hides and 20 megapod tanned hides.
Hunter-gatherers | In 'Fields of Tau Ceti' (Hard): Survive for 2 years with at least 5 members without advancing the tech tiers.
Improviser | Kill a twinkler with the spray gun sentry in 'Twinkler Island'.
Making Headway Completed | You completed Making Headway!
Mined Wealth | In 'Muckroot Mining Site', get 20 population, 1000 credits and ratings of 45% in Food, Security and Comfort.
Pressing Ahead | On Making Headway, get 20 population, 300 credits and 45% in Food, Security and Comfort.
Proposal Rejected | Complete 'Making Headway' without producing any rubber parts.
Relatives | In 'Fields of Tau Ceti' (Normal or Hard), have 3 colonists with the same surname.
Relatives? | On Fields of Tau Ceti (Normal or Hard), have 3 colonists with the same surname.
Rescued | You escaped Tutorial Island!
Trader | In 'Fields of Tau Ceti' (Normal or Hard), get 12 population and ratings of 35% in Food, Security and Comfort without establishing any farm plots, fish traps or greenhouses.
We Made It | Complete 'Twinkler Island' (Normal or Hard) with no deaths and no-one leaving