Ultimate Doom (PC)



Type in the following codes during gameplay:

idbeholda-Full automap
idbeholdi-Temporary invisibility
idbeholdl-Light amplification visor
idbeholdr-Anti-radiation suit
idbeholds-Berserker strength
idbeholdv-Temporary invincibility
idclev[episode number][map number]-Level select
iddt-Toggle full map; full map and objects; normal map
idmus[level number]-Change music to indicated level
idmypos-Display coordinates and heading
idkfa-All weapons, keys, ammo, and 200% armor
idspispopd-Walk through walls

Full automap with object Indicators

With the automap displayed, type IDDT twice to have a full map, plus object indicators to see enemies, items, etc.

Code - Effect
IDDT *Twice, with automap displayed* - Gives you a full automap, and adds object indicators

Secret Levels

Effect - Code

E1M9, Military Base - Find secret exit in E1M3, Toxin Refinery. The secret exit is located across the pit of slime near the entrance of the level.
E2M9, Fortress of Mystery - Find the secret exit in E2M5, Command Center.
E3M9, Warrens - Find the secret exit in E3M6, Mt. Erebus.
E4M9, Fear - Find the secret exit in E4M2, Perfect Hatred.The secret exit is north of the Cyberdemon.

Super Codes

Enter these codes while playing the game, don't go to the main menu to imput these.

Code - Effect

FHHALL - Destroys all enemies except Lost Souls
FHSHH - Makes you completely invisible to all enemies