Achievement | How to unlock
****it! Eat them! | I thinlk you realy like it.
50cent | $MONEY$
Always not enough! | $MONEY$
Bronze! | $MONEY$
Click for her! | Princess!!
CollegeChan | You discovered CollegeChan.
DarkSauce Like | Dead again.
Death loves you | Dead again.
Don't eat tidepods! | It was an accident.
Fake princess | This is not the ONE!
First steps | $MONEY$
Get rich or die trying! | $MONEY$
Getting closer | $MONEY$
Gold! | $MONEY$
Good girl! | ..but it is not a princess.
Greedy! | $MONEY$
Hahahah! | Meet your death.
Just try again | Dead again.
Keep searching! | Wrong girl!
KittyChan | You discovered KittyChan.
MusicChan | You discovered MusicChan.
Need More! | $MONEY$
Not de way | Meet your death.
Not de way2 | Meet your death.
Painful | Dead again.
PinkyChan | You discovered PinkyChan.
Platina! | $MONEY$
Poor one | You have no money.
Princess! | Finally found!
Princess? | No!
Real HardCore! | Dead again.
Real one? | No!
REAL Princess! | Congratulations!
Rich? | $MONEY$
ShcoolChan | You discovered SchoolChan.
Silver! | $MONEY$
Spit on fake Princess! | Wrong girl!
Spit on her! | Wrong girl!
Stop eating tidepods! | It wasn't accident.
Stop it! | Meet your death.
UGANDAN DE WAY | Dead again.
Ugandan Savior | Savior of whole UgandaLand.
UGANDONE! | Dead again.
Wana delete game? | Dead again.
WAT!? | This should be the ONE!
We will never find her | Wrong girl! Again!
Wrong one! | Not princess again!
You can't refund game. | Sadly.