Turbo Dismount (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
88mph!Cross the finish line on Skid Marks at 88mph.
Adventurous MindPlay a Steam Workshop level.
BluesmobileTotally demolish a single vehicle.
Border IncidentDetonate ten mines in a single dismount on Run DMZ.
ConnoisseurTry everything once.
DisintegrationFully obliterate Mr. Dismount.
Dizzy Yet?Pull ten somersaults in a single dismount.
French RevolutionPerform 1000 decapitations.
In It to Win ItNail it 100 times.
Insult to InjuryCustomize Mr. Dismount or a vehicle.
Just a Flesh WoundLose only a single limb during a single dismount.
Let's See That Again!View a replay in slow motion.
Look at Him Go!Reach a record time on Skid Marks.
On a Mission from GodTotally demolish all vehicles.
Paul BunyanCut down 100 trees.
Ping PongGet hit by five different NPC vehicles in T-Junction.
ScaramangaDo a successful barrel roll and landing.
Speed is KeyLaunch three consecutive dismounts at max velocity.
The Dude AbidesDo ten strikes with the Bowling Pins.
The MillennialLaunch 1000 dismounts.
Timmy's NightmareComplete 100 dismounts with the Pink Lightning.
To Space!Reach a height of 1000ft (305m) in Space Program.
Turbo LoverDrive through 1000 turbo pads.