T-Rex Time Machine (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Ankylosaurus All-You-Can-EatGet the ankylosaurus on film.
Battle of the TitansMake a movie on the battleground.
Call Me "Mama"The newborn duckbill imprints on you.
Duckbill SlapstickCapture the duckbill hatchling performing slapstick comedy.
Escaping the T. RexSave Skyler from a gruesome demise.
Find out if it tastes like chickeFind out if it tastes like chicken.
Fledglings In FlightRecord the baby pterosaurs learning to soar.
Hadrosaurus WhistlerSummon the hadrosaurs in their language.
Heal ThyselfPut your first aid training to use on patient number one.
Hero to Kids EverywhereSave Little Kubbie from an awful fate.
I'm a Terrible PersonHow can you do this to the baby duckbill?
Indie Movie MogulProduce a movie that is the toast of the indie film festival.
It Followed Me HomeCan I keep it?
Kazoo ChorusFilm the kazoo chorus.
Mammalian AncestorsDiscover the mammals in either of their habitats.
Master MacGyverProve you're a problem solver extraordinaire by relying on what's at hand in the forest primeval.
My Life with DuckbillsStart a new life among the dinosaurs.
Outwit the CarnivoresConduct field research while pack hunters attack.
Paleo Action HeroPoint the camera at yourself as you prevent the leading man from sinking.
Partners In TimeTime travel brings you into the unlikeliest of business arrangements.
Propane PyromaniacIt's one way to take down the fiercest predator of the age.
Rescue MissionSave your nemesis from a horrible death.
Rope TrickClimb the Cretaceous ladder to success.
Save BrettSave your friend from the jaws of death.
Stomping ButterfliesWhat was that again about stomping prehistoric butterflies?
Study the Pterosaurs FishingStudy the stork-legged pterosaur family as they fish.
The Right StuffSave the paleontologist from the carnivorous dinosaur.
There and Back AgainGet home in one piece.
Time Lord TraineeYou reach the Cretaceous!
Triceratops SlayerTaking out one isn't enough.
Triumphant ReturnBring everyone home safely.
Troodontid HunterDefend yourself against savage predators.
Watergate BurglarObtain ironclad proof of Vance's thievery.
Woo BrettTake your lifelong friendship to the next level.
Woo CaseyEnter a romantic relationship with Casey.
Woo SkylerEnter a romantic relationship with Skyler.