Achievement | How to unlock
..Loved | Completed Level: Horizon HQ.
50 shades of burnt | Destroy 1000 cultist books.
Average Weapons Enjoyer | Acquire all weapon parts.
Average Weapons Fan | Use a weapon bench to customize a weapon for the first time.
Backfired | Shoot an enemy's thrown grenade, killing him with it.
Big Brain | Collect all intel docs.
CVI | Cycle 106 comes to an end.
CV | Collect the Syndicate coin "CV".
Complexity | Complete Level: Gunnarson Complex.
Cost Effective | Kill three enemies with one grenade.
Dark Secrets | Complete Level: Site 32.
Dry Party | Destroy 100 beer/wine bottles.
Efficient | Use every bullet in a pistol magazine to get headshot kills.
Emersus | Eviscerate Dr. Emerson’s corpse.
Erase Your Light | Escape from Site 14.
Flashlight! | Alert an enemy by shining a flashlight from behind, shoot him before he turns around.
How's That Helmet Working? | Kill an enemy by shooting through his helmet with a DMR.
IT Specialist | Complete Level: Iron Dragon Data Center.
JuggerNOT | Kill a heavy soldier.
LXXVIII | Kill the Horizon CEO.
Lost and Found | Complete Level: Crash Site.
Not So Hard | Complete all campaign and side missions on Hard difficulty or higher.
Oh Snap! | Execute your first hostage.
Oil Spill | Complete Level: Oil Rig.
One Last Mission | 106 is reborn.
Pest Control | Kill the Mothman.
Slide Into Your DMs | Slide into an enemy and grab him while he's ragdolled.
Smol Brain | Collect 50% of all intel docs.
Solid 106 | Stealth kill an entire squad without anyone becoming alerted.
Spelunker | Complete Level: Kellington Colliery.
Stick Around | Kill an enemy with a tomahawk.
Stylish | Grab an enemy, throw and kill him with a headshot.
Subject 106 | Complete all campaign and side missions on Extreme difficulty or higher.
Supersoldier | Complete all campaign and side missions on Very Hard difficulty or higher.
TREPANG2 | Break The Cycle.
Take Your Flight | Complete Level: Pandora Institute.
That Was a Close One! | Kill an enemy with a headshot on final bullet in the mag.
The Truth | Let the world know.
Think Fast! | Kill an enemy with a flashbang impact.
To A Place Where You Will Be Remembered | Complete Level: Jorvik Castle.
To A Place Where You Will Be... | Complete Level: Site 83.
TrePayne | Acquire the dual wield serum.
Trepangus | Throw an enemy into the vent in the first combat encounter in Site 14.
Unbreakable Will | Complete all campaign and side missions on Rage Mode difficulty.
XCI | Kill the Patriarch.
XCV | Collect the Syndicate coin "XCV".
You Monster! | Throw a TF27 soldier into the helicopter blades in Site 14.
You're Paying For Their F***ing Surgery! | Kill all TF27 soldiers in Site 14.
You're a Firework! | Shoot an enemy while he's thrown as a hostage grenade, detonating his grenade.