Achievement | How to unlock
Burn, Baby, Burn! | Burn 100 enemy toy soldiers.
Great Battle of Stalingrad | Purchase all fire nest upgrades in the Battle of Stalingrad.
Great Hero of Operation Crusader | Complete all Operation Crusader missions with three medals.
Great Hero of Operation Overlord | Complete all Operation Overlord missions with three medals.
Great Hero of Stalingrad | Complete all Stalingrad missions with three medals.
Great Operation Crusader | Purchase all fire nest upgrades in Operation Crusader.
Great Operation Overlord | Purchase all fire nest upgrades in Operation Overlord.
Hero of Operation Crusader | Complete all Operation Crusader missions.
Hero of Operation Overlord | Complete all Operation Overlord missions.
Hero of Stalingrad | Complete all Stalingrad missions.
Infantry Rush! | Win a mission using only riflemen and their upgrades.
Line 'Em Up! | Kill seven enemies with a single cannon shot.
Money Can't Buy Happiness | Collect $ 10,000 in one mission.
Sky Shield | Deploy a full 360-degree traverse anti-aircraft gun.
That's Us! | Watch the entire credits.
Total Supremacy | Earn the following achievemnts: Great Battle of Stalingrad, Great Operation Crusader, Great Operation Overlord.
Unbeatable Team | Unlock all hero slots.