Town of Salem (PC)

Always Doctor

In Town Of Salem, you can enter a name in during the start of a match. Entering the name : DoNoHarm: will allow you to always become a doctor.

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AccompanyWin your first game as a Consort.
Adept of the MafiaWin with all of the Mafia roles.
Adept of the TownWin with all of the Town roles.
AmbassadorWin 5 games as a Mayor.
ApprenticeWin 10 games of Town of Salem.
Arsonist's Evil SpiritHaunt an Arsonist.
AttendantWin your first game as an Escort.
Battle-HardenedWin your first game as Veteran.
Bay Harbor ButcherKill 5 or more people in one game.
Big EarsListen to a private message.
BlackoutWin 25 games as an Amnesiac.
BulletproofHave your bulletproof vest save you from death.
BustedFind a member of the Mafia.
CamouflageWin your first game as a Disguiser.
Can't Touch Me!Transport yourself with someone else.
ChaperonWin your first game as a Bodyguard.
CIAWin 25 games as a Spy.
Clean as a WhistleWin 5 games as a Janitor.
Close CallBe acquitted by a tie vote.
Clouded MindWin 10 games as an Amnesiac.
Commander and ChiefWin 25 games as a Mayor.
CompanionWin 5 games as a Consort.
ConstableWin 10 games as a Sheriff.
Correctional OfficerWin 5 games as a Jailor.
Cost NostraWin 5 games as a Godfather.
CourierWin your first game as a Transporter.
Cross-ExamineWin 10 games as a Consigliere.
CustodianWin your first game as a Janitor.
Dangerous ProfessionDie to the SerialKiller you visited.
Dangerous WorkDie from visiting a SerialKiller.
DeceitfulWin 10 games as a Blackmailer.
DedicatedWin 25 games of Town of Salem.
DeputyWin 25 games as a Sheriff.
DetectiveWin your first game as an Investigator.
Dexter MorganKill the Jailor who jailed you.
Directing the BladeControl a SerialKiller 5 times in a game.
Discipline for CrimeWin with half of the Mafia roles.
Disco InfernoIgnite 5 or more people in one night.
DistractingRole block yourself.
Divert Your AttentionWin 10 games as a Consort.
DivinerWin 10 games as a Medium.
Double-Edged SwordForce 2 Town members to die to a Veteran in a game.
Eagle EyeWin 5 games as a Lookout.
EnchantressWin 5 games as a Witch.
EncoreResurrect a Sheriff.
Enforce the LawWin your first game as a Sheriff.
EntertainerWin 25 games as a Consort.
EnvoyWin 5 games as a Transporter.
EspionageWin your first game as a Spy.
Evil SyndicateWin 25 games as a Godfather.
ExecutionSuccessfully execute someone.
ExecutiveWin 10 games as a Mayor.
ExtortionWin your first game as a Blackmailer.
Faith in the TownBe acquitted without revealing to the Town.
FearlessReveal yourself as Mayor on day 1.
Fifty-FiftyWin with half of all roles.
FirebugWin 5 games as an Arsonist.
Firing SquadWin your first game as an Executioner.
Flawless ExecutionerExecute 3 non-town members in a game.
ForgerWin 10 games as a Framer.
ForgetfulWin 5 games as an Amnesiac.
Gag OrderBlackmail the same person 3 times.
GangsterWin 5 games as a Mafioso.
Gas ChamberWin 25 games as an Executioner.
Godfather's PhantomHaunt the Godfather.
Got YouFind a SerialKiller.
Great CompanyWin 10 games as an Escort.
GuillotineWin 5 games as an Executioner.
GumshoeWin 5 games as an Investigator.
Half Way ThereWin with half of the Town roles.
HarbingerWin 25 games as a Medium.
HawkWin 10 games as a Lookout.
HealerWin 5 games as a Doctor.
Hey ThereSuccessfully role block someone.
HoodlumWin 10 games as a Mafioso.
How'd that happen?Find a Godfather,
Hush MoneyWin 5 games as a Blackmailer.
I am who I am.Remember that you were an Amnesiac.
I knew it!Be killed by the SerialKiller you jailed.
I look good!Role block yourself.
I see youSuccessfully watch someone at night.
I'll save you!Successfully protect someone from being attacked.
I'm not gon' give up!Win your first game as a Survivor.
IconicWin 250 games of Town of Salem.
IfritWin 25 games as an Arsonist.
Impossible!Manage to clean up your own dead body.
IncendiaryWin 10 games as an Arsonist.
IncognitoWin without revealing yourself as the Mayor.
IncriminateWin 5 games as a Framer.
IndifferentWin with all of the Neutral roles.
InitiationWin your first game of Town Of Salem.
InterrogateWin 5 games as a Consigliere.
It's a partyHave 5 or more people visit your target.
It's a trap!Role block the Godfather.
It's gettin' hot in hereIgnite yourself.
JailbreakKill the Jailor who jailed you.
JokerWin your first game as a Jester.
JudicatoryWin 25 games as a Vigilante.
JusticeWin 5 games as a Vigilante.
KevlarHave your bulletproof vest save you from death.
Kill him, Quick!Find a Sheriff.
Leader of the MafiaWin your first game as a Godfather.
Live Once, Die TwiceLynch your target twice in one game.
Locked UpWin 10 games as a Jailor.
Lonely KillerWin your first game as a SerialKiller.
Loyal ServantWin without dying or becoming the Godfather.
Lucky ParanoiaWin a game without killing any town members.
LunaticWin 25 games as a Jester.
LycanWin 5 games as a Werewolf.
Lynch 'EmWin 10 games as an Executioner.
MarathonHave a game last 10 days.
MarshallWin 5 games as a Sheriff.
MasqueradeWin 5 games as a Disguiser.
MassacreKill three people in one night.
Master of DisguiseWin 25 games as a Disguiser.
Master of DistractionWin 25 games as an Escort.
MastermindWin the game without dying.
MauledWin 25 games as a Werewolf.
MedicWin 10 games as a Doctor.
MercenaryWin your first game as a Vigilante.
Michael CorleoneBe promoted to the Godfather.
MobsterWin your first game as a Mafioso.
MurdererWin 5 games as a SerialKiller.
Neat as a ButtonWin 10 games as a Janitor.
Need Medical Attention?Heal someone who was attacked.
Not AfraidWin without using a bulletproof vest.
Not ParanoidWin without going on alert all game.
Not SuspiciousFind someone to not be suspicious.
NoviceWin 5 games of Town of Salem.
ObliviousWin your first game as an Amnesiac.
OccultistWin your first game as a Witch.
On StrikeWin the game without cleaning any bodies.
OopsBlackmail a member of the Mafia.
OracleWin your first game as a Medium.
Organized CrimeWin 10 games as a Godfather.
OuchShoot yourself at night.
Pacifist in TrainingWin with half of the Neutral roles.
PatriarchWin 50 games of Town of Salem.
PenitentiaryWin 25 games as a Jailor.
Perfect ShotShoot 3 Non-Town in a single game.
PersevereWin 10 games as a Survivor.
Popular TargetBe attacked 5 or more times in a game.
PractitionerWin your first game as a Doctor.
Precious CargoWin 25 games as a Transporter.
Prison WardenWin your first game as a Jailor.
Private DetectiveWin your first game as a Consigliere.
Private EyeWin 10 games as an Investigator.
ProphetWin 5 games as a Medium.
ProtectorWin 10 games as a Bodyguard.
PsychopathWin 10 games as a SerialKiller.
Psychopathic PactWin the game with another SerialKiller.
Public TransportationWin 10 games as a Transporter.
PyromaniacWin your first game as an Arsonist.
Quick ExecutionGet your target lynched on day 2.
RampageAttack 5 people in one night.
ReanimateWin 25 games as a Retributionist.
Refuse to DieWin 5 games as a Survivor.
RevitalizeWin 10 games as a Retributionist.
SafeguardWin 5 games as a Bodyguard.
Sanitary DutyWin 25 games as a Janitor.
SavageWin your first game as a Werewolf.
Saw it coming!See a member of the mafia targeting you.
Second ChanceResurrect a Jailor.
Self-ConsciousBlackmail yourself.
SentinelWin 25 games as a Lookout.
SentryWin your first game as a Lookout.
SergeantWin 25 games as a Veteran.
SerialKiller's SpecterHaunt a SerialKiller.
Sherlock HolmesWin 25 games as an Investigator.
Shift the BlameWin 25 games as a Framer.
SlanderWin your first game as a Framer.
SleuthWin 5 games as a Spy.
Slippery ChameleonSuccessfully disguise 3 times in one game.
Smoke ScreenWin 10 games as a Disguiser.
Smoking GunWin 10 games as a Vigilante.
SnooperWin 25 games as a Consigliere.
SociopathWin 25 games as a SerialKiller.
SoldierWin 5 games as a Veteran.
Still NeutralRemember that you were a Survivor.
Still StandingWin 25 games as a Survivor.
Stitch YourselfHeal yourself after being attacked.
Stop hittin' yourselfMake someone attack themself.
SuicidalWin 10 games as a Jester.
SupervisorWin your first game as a Mayor.
SurgeonWin 25 games as a Doctor.
TailgaterWin 5 games as an Escort.
Taking SidesRemember that you were a member of the Mafia.
Talk to a PsychopathCommunicate with a SerialKiller.
Talk to a PyroCommunicate with an Arsonist.
Talk to the MobCommunicate with the Godfather.
Tango DownKill the Godfather while protecting someone.
That was pointlessFrame a member of the Mafia.
The AvengerWin your first game as a Retributionist.
The Perfect TownWin with all Town members still alive.
The Sicilian MafiaWin with all Mafia members still alive.
There can be only one.Ignite a SerialKiller and Godfather in the same night.
ThugWin 25 games as a Mafioso.
Too Many MafiaSee 4 or more mafia visit people at night.
Town of Salem ExpertWin with every role.
TreacheryWin 25 games as a Blackmailer.
TricksterWin 5 games as a Jester.
Triple ThreatKill a Godfather, Arsonist and SerialKiller in the same night.
Trusting a PsychoWith with a SerialKiller.
Two Birds, One StoneMake a Vigilante shoot another town member.
Uh OhFind a Veteran.
Undercover AgentWin 10 games as a Spy.
VengeanceWin 5 games as a Retributionist.
VoodooWin 10 games as a Witch.
WardenWin 25 games as a Bodyguard.
WarlockWin 25 games as a Witch.
WarriorWin 10 games as a Veteran.
Welcome Back DocResurrect a Doctor.
Where does it hurt?Save 3 people in one game.
Who am I?Investigate yourself.
Who are you?Successfully investigate someone.
Who Needs a Disguise?Win a game without attempting to disguise.
WhoopsFrame yourself.
Why Won't They Die?Shoot 3 people who can't die at night.
ZealousWin 100 games of Town of Salem.