Tower Tag (PC)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement

AchievementHow to unlock
24/7Play more than 24 hours.
AimbotAchieve 50 sniper shots.
ChallengerReach level 30.
Coldest IceReceive the "Coldest ice" award 10 times.
Control FreakClaim 100 tower.
Emergency DoctorHeal 20 players with less than 20% health.
First StrikeWin a game.
GrandmasterReach level 20.
Hottest FireReceive the "Hottest Fire" award 10 times.
InvincibleWin 10 games in a row.
Lucky StreakWin 5 games in a row.
MasterReach level 10.
Natural TalentFinish the Tutorial.
ParamedicHeal 10.000 health points.
SpecialistPlay 50 matches.
Tower RangerPlay 200 matches.
VIPReceive the "MVP" award 10 times.
VR LegsTeleport 1000 times.
VR-NerdLog in for 7 days in a row.
VetaranPlay 100 matches.