Achievement | How to unlock
24/7 | Play more than 24 hours.
Aimbot | Achieve 50 sniper shots.
Challenger | Reach level 30.
Coldest Ice | Receive the "Coldest ice" award 10 times.
Control Freak | Claim 100 tower.
Emergency Doctor | Heal 20 players with less than 20% health.
First Strike | Win a game.
Grandmaster | Reach level 20.
Hottest Fire | Receive the "Hottest Fire" award 10 times.
Invincible | Win 10 games in a row.
Lucky Streak | Win 5 games in a row.
Master | Reach level 10.
Natural Talent | Finish the Tutorial.
Paramedic | Heal 10.000 health points.
Specialist | Play 50 matches.
Tower Ranger | Play 200 matches.
VIP | Receive the "MVP" award 10 times.
VR Legs | Teleport 1000 times.
VR-Nerd | Log in for 7 days in a row.
Vetaran | Play 100 matches.