Achievement | How to unlock
...Controls the Universe! | Playing as any faction, control all 3 spice resources on the map.
A Battle A Day Keeps The Doctor Away | Playing as any faction, win 7 battles with a Healer-type Hero leading your army.
A Land of Milk And Honey | Playing as any faction, make 8,888 income in a single turn.
A Sharp Point Sticks Out | Playing as any faction, obtain the maximum level in any one character attribute.
An Ambush That's Sure | Playing as any faction, successfully ambush and defeat any opponent.
Bandits of the Marsh | Playing as Zheng Jiang, construct a bandit lair.
BFFs | Playing as any faction, form an alliance.
Blood-drenched And Fancy Free | Playing as any faction, win 100 battles launched from the campaign map.
Branching Out | Playing as any faction, unlock an entire single element of the reforms tree.
Burning Down the House | Playing as Dong Zhuo, raze an emperor seat.
Demolition Man | Playing as any faction, breach a wall during a battle.
Diaochan's Revenge | With Lü Bu in your party, defeat Dong Zhuo in battle.
Don't Cheat At The Games | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, construct at least 7 Communal Squares.
Double Happiness | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, construct at least 8 Prosperous Farming Estates.
Dù Ziténg Will See You Now | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, construct a House of Compassion.
Eye of the Beholder | Playing as any faction, attack Xiahou Dun with archers.
Fair-weather Friend | Playing as any faction, turn a friend into a rival.
Firestarter | Playing as Dong Zhuo, raze 11 settlements.
First Steps | Playing as any faction, capture a region.
First Taste | Playing as any faction, control a single spice resource.
Forbidden City | Playing as any faction, construct a faction palace.
Frenemies | Playing as any faction, win 222 battles in multiplayer mode.
Friend of Winter | Playing as any faction, unlock every reform in a single playthough.
GG No Re! | Playing as any faction, win a ranked match in multiplayer mode.
Good Luck, Have Fun! | Playing as any faction, win a multiplayer match.
Guangdong Coalition | Playing as any faction, defeat Dong Zhuo.
Han Shot First | Playing as any faction, someone else declares themselves emperor before you.
Here Comes the Sun (Jian) | Playing as any faction, maintain 8 trade routes.
Huangdi | Playing as any faction, declare yourself emperor.
Humble Beginnings | Playing as one of the governor factions, become emperor.
If You Can't Die, Surrender | Playing as any faction, capture 9413 enemies.
If You Can't Surrender, Die | Playing as any faction, kill 92,413 enemies.
Ill Omen | Playing as any faction, have a spy successfully complete an assassination.
Jade Empire | Playing as any faction, control all jade resources on the map.
Live And Let Spy | Playing as any faction, make your spy become faction leader.
Lord of Heaven | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, unlock all Heaven reforms.
Lord of the Land | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, unlock all Land reforms.
Lord of the People | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, unlock all People reforms.
Mandate Regained | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, become the Yellow Sky Emperor.
Neighsayer | Playing as any faction, control all northern horse resources on the map.
No Small Deed Left Undone | Playing as Liu Bei, make 6 allies.
Now the Stuff of Dreams | Playing as any faction, complete a campaign on legendary difficulty.
Oath of the Peach Garden | Fight a battle with Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei fighting on the same side.
One Arrow, Two Hawks | Playing as any faction, win a multiplayer co-op campaign.
One Hundred Thousand Troops | Playing as Yuan Shao, form 6 alliances.
Party of Five | Playing as any faction, have all 5 Tiger Generals (Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong) in your faction.
Point Break | Playing as any faction, trigger a civil war in another faction.
River Crab Pond | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, construct a Garden of Divine Peace.
Satisfaction Guaranteed | Playing as any faction, win 66 duels.
Settlers of the Han | Playing as any faction, capture 29 settlements.
Simply the Best | Playing as any faction, progress a character to the maximum rank.
Son of the Tortoise | Playing as the child of Cao Cao, proclaim yourself emperor.
Special Delivery | Playing as any faction, kill a Hero with a special ability.
Store Some Ice | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, construct a Concealed Fort.
Take No Prisoners | Playing as any faction, execute 24 captives.
The Empire, Long Divided, Must Unite | Playing as any faction, declare yourself Emperor of the Three Kingdoms.
The Knights Who Say Qî | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, recruit at least 7 Youxia units.
The Mandate of Heaven | Playing as any faction, become emperor and win the game.
The Yellow Sky Has Come | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, complete a campaign.
There Will Be Fish Every Year | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, construct a Grand Fishing Port.
They Who Control The Spice... | Playing as any faction, control two spice resources.
This is Total War! | Playing as any faction, win a campaign having declared war on every faction as soon as you encounter them.
Though the Tortoise Lives Long | Playing as Cao Cao, trigger a proxy war.
To Dust | Playing as any faction, destroy any other faction.
Vase On A Table | Playing as a Yellow Turban faction, construct a Yellow Turban Headquarters.
Way of the Tao | Playing as any faction, win a single battle with one of each unit type (Melee Cavalry; Shock Cavalry; Melee Infantry; Glaive And Spear Infantry; Ranged).
When the Sun Rises in the West | Playing as any faction, win every battle (including auto-resolve battles).
White Horse General | Playing as Gongsun Zan, win 11 battles with White Horse Fellows.