Total War Saga: Thrones Of Britannia (PC)

Make farms a priority

Marching up and down Britain with occasional breaks for bloody and gruelling battles burns a lot of calories, so armies need to be well-fed. At first, you’ll be limited to a single army thanks to low food, but you’ll have enough money to build and upgrade some farms, allowing you to expand your forces in a few turns. Resource buildings like farms and mines are no longer constructed inside settlements and are instead represented by small villages that don’t have any garrisons. This makes them a lot more vulnerable to attack, and it also means you don’t have to besiege a settlement if you only want more farmland. Once you’ve upgraded your own farms, then you start looking for ones to pinch.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Gwiner Is You!Playing as Gwined, conquer all Welsh regions.
A Hard RoadPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving an Ultimate victory on Hard difficulty.
A Land Fit for HeroesPlaying as any of the Welsh kingdoms, complete the main campaign while keeping heroism over 10 and never falling beneath 10.
A Swift StrugglePlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving a Short victory on Very Hard difficulty.
A Taste for WarPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign without reaching -12 war fervour.
A United EnglandPlaying as West Seaxe, conquer all English regions.
A United FrontPlaying as any of the Gaelic kingdoms, annex all surviving Gaelic factions.
A United KingdomPlaying as East Engle, conquer all English regions.
Acute EnglePlaying as East Engle, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
Against All OddsPlaying as any faction, play and win a battle whilst heavily outnumbered.
Asking for TroublePlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving a Short victory on Legendary difficulty.
Azure, a Saltire OrPlaying as Mierce, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
Baile Atha CliathPlaying as Dyflin, complete the main campaign, maintaining ownership of Dyflin throughout.
Balance of PowerPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign and reach max war fervour.
Balance of ProbabilitiesPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, fighting all battles and without losing more than 10 times.
Black Pool RisingPlaying as Dyflin, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
BretwaldaPlaying as Northymbre, conquer all English regions.
By Hook or By CrookPlaying as Gwined, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Cast a Long ShadowPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving a Long victory on Legendary difficulty.
Circenn My RegardsPlaying as Circenn, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
Count to FiefPlaying as West Seaxe, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
Cruthin for a Bruisin'Playing as Circenn, conquer all Scottish regions.
Duan AlbanachPlaying as Circenn, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
Dublin DownPlaying as Dyflin, conquer all Irish regions.
East Engle RicePlaying as East Engle, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
Eire And Back AgainPlaying as Dyflin, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
Every Port in a StormPlaying as any faction, own all Longphort and Viking Port buildings on the campaign map.
Flicker into FamePlaying as Gwined, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
Fortress CitadelsPlaying as any faction, own the Rock of Caisil, Mountain Hall, and Offa's Hall buildings on the campaign map.
Glutton for PunishmentPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving an Ultimate victory on Legendary difficulty by fighting and winning every battle.
Go the DistancePlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving a Long victory on Very Hard difficulty.
Great ScotsPlaying as Circenn, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Green And Peasant LandPlaying as any of the English kingdoms, complete the main campaign without exceeding the Fyrd's limit for raised levy units.
Grooving with the PictsPlaying as Circenn, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
GwinningPlaying as Gwined, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
Hard Fought, Hard WonPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving a Long victory on Hard difficulty.
Hardy NorthfolkPlaying as Northymbre, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
Hegemony of WessexPlaying as West Seaxe, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Here Be DragonsPlaying as Gwined, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
High King of IrelandPlaying as Dyflin, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
High King of IrelandPlaying as Mide, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
Historia BrittonumPlaying as any faction, conquer all the cities on Nennius' list.
Home Is Where the Hearth IsPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign whilst maintaining ownership of your starting regions.
In MajestyPlaying as Mide, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
Infamy, Infamy!Playing as Dyflin, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
Into the ValleyPlaying as Strat Clut, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
Keep Your Enemies CloserPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign having turned all your enemies into vassal kingdoms.
Keep Your Friends ClosePlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short victory whilst maintaining control over all your vassal kingdoms.
King of Alt ClutPlaying as Strat Clut, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
King of MidePlaying as Mide, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
King of the Anglo-SaxonsPlaying as West Seaxe, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
King of the BritonsPlaying as Gwined, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
King of the BritonsPlaying as Mierce, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
King of the BritonsPlaying as West Seaxe, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
King of the BritonsPlaying as East Engle, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
King of the BritonsPlaying as Northymbre, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
King of the BritonsPlaying as Sudreyar, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
King of the BritonsPlaying as Gwined, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
King of the BritonsPlaying as Strat Clut, complete the main campaign by achieving an Ultimate victory.
King of the EnglishPlaying as East Engle, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
King of the Five ProvincesPlaying as Mide, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
King of the IslesPlaying as Sudreyar, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
King of the MerciansPlaying as Mierce, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
King of the PictsPlaying as Circenn, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
King of the ValleysPlaying as Strat Clut, conquer all Welsh regions.
Knee Deep in BloodPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving a Short victory on Legendary difficulty by fighting and winning every battle.
Kneel Before BardrPlaying as the Viking Sea Kings, reach the maximum possible tribute level.
Legendary AttackerPlaying as any faction, gain a Legendary attacker.
Legendary DefenderPlaying as any faction, gain a Legendary defender.
Legendary GeneralPlaying as any faction, gain a Legendary general.
Legendary GovernorPlaying as any faction, gain a Legendary governor.
Legendary LeaderPlaying as any faction, gain a Legendary military leader.
Lord of the Dáil ÉireannPlaying as Dyflin, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Lord of the Frightful SeasPlaying as Sudreyar, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
Loyalty Without QuestionPlaying as any faction, ensure that every characters loyalty remains above 1 for the entire campaign.
Mann Alive!Playing as Sudreyar, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Master TacticianPlaying as any faction, achieve a Long victory by fighting and winning every battle.
Men of the MainlandPlaying as Sudreyar, conquer all Scottish regions.
Mide Your Own BusinessPlaying as Mide, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Mide? I Hardly Knew Her!Playing as Mide, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
Monarch of the FenPlaying as Northymbre, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
Monarch of the Northern MarchesPlaying as Northymbre, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
My IrelandPlaying as Mide, conquer all Irish regions.
Mycel Haeben HerePlaying as the Great Viking Army, complete the main campaign while keeping both the English and the Army happy at all times.
No Peace for the WickedPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign without negotiating peace with any other faction.
Obtuse EnglePlaying as East Engle, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Offa's HikePlaying as Mierce, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
Pict Your BattlesPlaying as Circenn, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
Quick And DirtyPlaying as Northymbre, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
Regnum Orientalium AnglorumPlaying as East Engle, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
Rex Plurimarum InsularumPlaying as Sudreyar, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
Roar of the NorthPlaying as Northymbre, conquer all Scottish regions.
Seaxe EducationPlaying as West Seaxe, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
Short But SweetPlaying as Strat Clut, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
Show No MiercePlaying as Mierce, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
Small But MightyPlaying as Gwined, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
Speedy SubjugationPlaying as any faction, conquer all regions on the campaign map in less than 200 turns.
Straight Up the MidePlaying as Mide, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
Strat-egic GeniusPlaying as Strat Clut, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Swift FirePlaying as Strat Clut, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
TacticianPlaying as any faction, achieve a Short victory by fighting and winning every battle.
TaoiseachPlaying as Dyflin, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
The Emerald IslePlaying as Dyflin, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Kingdom victory.
The Fabled IslesPlaying as Sudreyar, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
The Feast of All SaintsPlaying as any faction, own all of the Saints' buildings on the campaign map.
The Knife in the BackPlaying as any faction, marry a rival king's daughter and then destroy his faction through conquest.
The Long GamePlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving a Long victory on Legendary difficulty by fighting and winning every battle.
The Lord of the UmberPlaying as Northymbre, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
The Lost EagleDefeat someone who already has this achievement in any multiplayer battle.
The Mercian SupremacyPlaying as Mierce, conquer all English regions.
The Mide TouchPlaying as Mide, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
The Old NorthPlaying as Strat Clut, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
The Only Way is WessexPlaying as West Seaxe, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Conquest victory.
The Saxon ScourgePlaying as West Seaxe, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
The Scottish PreyPlaying as Northymbre, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
The Short ToilPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving a Short victory on Hard difficulty.
The Slow BurnPlaying as Strat Clut, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
The Terror From the WestPlaying as Sudreyar, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
The Wyvern TerrorPlaying as Mierce, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
There And Back AgainPlaying as Gwined, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
Those Chosen By the WavesPlaying as Sudreyar, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
Those Impossible EnglesPlaying as East Engle, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Conquest victory.
Time Enough To RulePlaying as Circenn, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Kingdom victory.
Traitor's FatePlaying as any faction, destroy another faction after they break your alliance.
Twice as BrightPlaying as Mierce, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
Ultimate ConquerorPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving an Ultimate victory on Legendary difficulty.
Ultimate UnconqueredPlaying as any faction, achieve an Ultimate victory by fighting and winning every battle.
Umber And Over And OutPlaying as Northymbre, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Under the ThumbPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign without any rebellions or usurpers challenging your rule.
Uphill StrugglePlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign, achieving an Ultimate victory on Very Hard difficulty.
Victory at any CostPlaying as Mierce, complete the main campaign by achieving any of their victory conditions.
Victory Before LongPlaying as Circenn, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
War Without a BreathPlaying as any faction, complete the main campaign by instantly declaring war on newly-encountered factions and without negotiating peace at any point.
Western AlliancePlaying as Strat Clut, liberate or ally with all Welsh factions.
Who Tells Your Story?Playing as Dyflin, complete the main campaign by achieving a Short Fame victory.
World's Gonna Know Your NamePlaying as East Engle, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.
Your Seaxe Is On FirePlaying as West Seaxe, complete the main campaign by achieving a Long Fame victory.