Achievement | How to unlock
Assault Device Training | Familiarize yourself with the Assault class devices.
Assault Firearm Training | Familiarize yourself with the Assault class firearms.
Assault Qualification I: Phase I - Boot Camp | Basic combat and survival skills are tested.
Assault Qualification II: Phase II - Team Work | A vital element that every Ghost squad needs to execute the battle plan successfully.
Assault Qualification III: Phase III – Objective First | A Ghost Recon soldier should always place the mission first and contribute to the objective.
Assault Qualification IV: Phase IV - Best of the Best | Only the best soldiers are selected to be part of the Ghost Recon team.
Assault Qualification V: Phase V - Assault Vet | The final test to prove that you are one of the finest of the Assault class.
Assault Rifle Expert: Final qualification for Assault Rifle | Only soldiers with expert Assault Rifle skills attain this level.
Assault Rifle Marksman: First Assault Rifle qualification | Your basic Assault Rifle skills are tested.
Assault Rifle Sharpshooter: Second Assault Rifle qualification | Advanced skills in this weapon class are tested.
Assault Shotgun Expert: Final qualification for Shotgun | Only soldiers with expert Shotgun skills attain this level.
Assault Shotgun Marksman: First Shotgun qualification | Your basic Shotgun skills are tested.
Assault Shotgun Sharpshooter: Second Shotgun qualification | Advanced skills in this weapon class are tested.
Basic ADS Combatant: First ADS qualification | Your basic skills are tested.
Basic APS Combatant: First APS qualification | Your basic skills are tested.
Basic BLACKOUT Combatant: First BLACKOUT qualification | Your basic skills are tested.
Basic BLITZ Combatant: First BLITZ qualification | Your basic skills are tested.
Basic CLOAK Combatant: First CLOAK qualification | Your basic skills are tested.
Basic SCAN Combatant: First SCAN qualification | Your basic skills are tested.
LMG Expert: Final LMG qualification | Only soldiers with expert for Light Machine Gun skills attain this level.
LMG Marksman: First LMG qualification | Your basic Light Machine Gun skills are tested.
LMG Sharpshooter: Second LMG qualification | Advanced skills in this weapon class are tested.
Master ADS Combatant: Final ADS qualification | Attainable only by soldiers with expert ADS skills.
Master APS Combatant: Final APS qualification | Attainable only by soldiers with expert APS skills.
Master BLACKOUT Combatant: Final BLACKOUT qualification | Attainable only by soldiers with expert BLACKOUT skills.
Master BLITZ Combatant: Final BLITZ qualification | Attainable only by soldiers with expert BLITZ skills.
Master CLOAK Combatant: Final CLOAK qualification | Attainable only by soldiers with expert CLOAK skills.
Master SCAN Combatant: Final SCAN qualification | Attainable only by soldiers with expert SCAN skills.
Recon Device Training | Familiarize yourself with the Recon class devices.
Recon Firearm Training | Familiarize yourself with the Recon class firearms.
Recon Qualification I: Phase I - Boot Camp | Basic combat and survival skills are tested.
Recon Qualification II: Phase II - Team Work | A vital element that every Ghost squad needs to execute the battle plan successfully.
Recon Qualification III: Phase III – Objective First | A Ghost Recon soldier should always place the mission first and contribute to the objective.
Recon Qualification IV: Phase IV - Best of the Best | Only the best soldiers are selected to be part of the Ghost Recon team.
Recon Qualification V: Phase V - Recon Vet | The final test to prove that you are one of the finest of the Recon class.
Senior ADS Combatant: Second ADS qualification | Your advanced skills are tested.
Senior APS Combatant: Second APS qualification | Your advanced skills are tested.
Senior BLACKOUT Combatant: Second BLACKOUT qualification | Your advanced skills are tested.
Senior BLITZ Combatant: Second BLITZ qualification | Your advanced skills are tested.
Senior CLOAK Combatant: Second CLOAK qualification | Your advanced skills are tested.
Senior SCAN Combatant: Second SCAN qualification | Your advanced skills are tested.
Shotgun Expert: Final qualification for Shotgun | Only soldiers with expert Shotgun skills attain this level.
Shotgun Marksman: First Shotgun qualification | Your basic Shotgun skills are tested.
Shotgun Sharpshooter: Second Shotgun qualification | Advanced skills in this weapon class are tested.
SMG Expert: Final SMG qualification | Only soldiers with expert Sub-machine gun skills attain this level.
SMG Marksman: First SMG qualification | Your basic Sub-machine gun skills are tested.
SMG Sharpshooter: Second SMG qualification | Advanced skills in this weapon class are tested.
Sniper Rifle Expert: Final Sniper Rifle qualification | Only soldiers with expert Sniper Rifle skills attain this level.
Sniper Rifle Marksman: First Sniper Rifle qualification | Your basic Sniper Rifle skills are tested.
Sniper Rifle Sharpshooter: Second Sniper Rifle qualification | Advanced skills in this weapon class are tested.
Support Device Training | Familiarize yourself with the Support class devices.
Support Firearm Training | Familiarize yourself with the Support class firearms.
Support Qualification I: Phase I - Boot Camp | Basic combat and survival skills are tested.
Support Qualification II: Phase II - Team Work | A vital element that every Ghost squad needs to execute the battle plan successfully.
Support Qualification III: Phase III – Objective First | A Ghost Recon soldier should always place the mission first and contribute to the objective.
Support Qualification IV: Phase IV - Best of the Best | Only the best soldiers are selected to be part of the Ghost Recon team.
Support Qualification V: Phase V - Support Vet | The final test to prove that you are one of the finest of the Support class.