Tobari and the Night of the Curious Moon (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
...G-Good Luck, Tobari!Game over 5 times.
...You've Still Got This!Game over 20 times.
A Clean CompletionClear the game without a game over.
A Jellied Yam Feast!Eat a lot of jellied yams.
A Quicksand-Hidden GoalFind the secret goal in World 3.
An Intriguing Secret ShopFind the secret goal in World 1.
Dance of the NightClear the World 2 boss without taking damage.
End of the Curious NightClear World EX.
Extra Safe DriverClear World EX with under 100 deaths.
Fellowship of the Helpful RabbitsFind the secret goal in World 6.
Found You, Hidden Goal!Find the secret goal in World 2.
Giant-SlayerBeat the World 3 boss without taking damage.
Haunted Castle ConquestClear World 5.
Hello, I'm Desuno.Defeat the evil staff roll!
In Hot Pursuit of HinaClear World 3.
Lady Camille, Wishing for the BestBeat the World 5 boss without taking damage.
Magic Master!Use every magic at least once.
Moon Loitering in the DesertCollect all of the moon shards in World 3.
Moon Shards, Even On the Moon!Collect all of the moon shards in World EX.
Moonlight Changing the FutureCollect all of the moon shards in worlds 1 through 6!
Moonsickness Won't Beat Me!Beat the World 6 boss without taking damage.
Never Knocked Down For GoodDie 1000 times.
Over the Evening HillClear World 2.
Run For It, Tobari!Clear the game within 3 hours.
Run To Extra Too, Tobari!Clear World EX within 7 hours.
Safety FirstClear within 5 deaths or less.
Secret Goal of the Twisty MazeFind the secret goal in World 4.
Secret Photos, Procured!Found the two secret photographs.
Shards Buried in SnowCollect all of the moon shards in World 4.
Shards Illuminated in MoonlightCollect all of the moon shards in World 2.
Shards of an Ancient CastleCollect all of the moon shards in World 5.
Showdown with AsukaBeat the World 4 boss without taking damage.
The Demonic Desunoya? Vanquished!Clear Vs Desunoya?
The First StepClear World 1.
The Joy of ShoppingSpend 10000 coins in shops.
The Moon Upon the Dusky TownCollect all of the moon shards in World 1.
Through the Woods of SnowClear World 4.
Tobari Beats Moonsickness Any NightBeat the World EX boss without taking damage.
Tobari Mastery!Clear all the other achievements!
Tobari the FrugalClear without buying from shops.
Tobari Times Ten Times TenHave at least 100 lives.
Tobari's Got Cash!Have at least 5000 coins.
Truth of the Curious MoonClear World 6.
Unrelenting HeartDie 100 times.
Victory at Twilight!Beat the World 1 boss without taking damage.
When the Shards Are Gathered...Collect all the moon shards in World 6.
Who Sets Up Shop in a Castle?Find the secret goal in World 5.
You're Somethin' Else, Tobari!Clear World 6 in under 65'30"!