Achievement | How to unlock
Captain Carver | Rank up the Danté Carver hero riding the MEGA METAL to rank of Captain.
Commander In Chief | Rank up any unit to Rank 13.
Every Victory Counts | Win any mission.
Good Boss | Rank up any unit to Rank 5.
Health Insurance | Heal an Rifleman to full health at a city.
Hero of the Zipang Incident | Complete the single player campaign on New Game+ difficulty (Act I ~ IV)
Lone survivor | Win a mission with only 1 surviving unit.
Overkill | Use Focus Fire to achieve a 100% or higher single attack on any unit.
Paycheck Overload | Win a mission with 50 or more surviving units.
Preparing for the Guard Dog | Complete MX04 mission on New Game+ difficulty.
Scrambled assault! | Complete MX04 mission on normal difficulty.
Sir, yes sir | Rank up a Rifleman to Sergeant.
Veteran of the Zipang Incident | Complete the single player campaign on normal difficulty (Act I ~ IV)
Winning with the knife | Destroy a tank with a Rifleman's attack.