Thousand Threads (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Amateur ArchaeologistFind an Artifact.
Amateur CartographerVisit every region.
Amateur CrafterCraft or upgrade an item.
Amateur PaleontologistFind a Fossil.
Avid GathererTake hundred plants or fungi.
Avid GiverDonate to save 25 lives.
Avid HunterTake fourty animal skins.
Avid RockhoundTake 300 stones.
Census CompleteLearn everyone's name and what they look like.
Delivered to a FatherUnknown.
Delivered to a SonUnknown.
GathererTake one plant or fungus.
GiverDonate to save a life.
HelperHelp someone in need.
Honorable DeliveryDeliver a piece of mail without opening it.
HunterTake one animal skin.
Master CrafterGet all the Crafting Guides and upgrade all possible items.
Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Heat Nor GloomGet the mailbag.
One Down...Deliver a piece of mail.
Opened Another PathUnknown.
Opened a PathUnknown.
Post MasteredDeliver all the mail.
Professional ArchaeologistFind all the Artifacts.
Professional CartographerFill in every segment of the map.
Professional GathererTake 400 plants or fungi.
Professional GiverDonate to save hundred lives.
Professional HunterTake 160 animal skins.
Professional PaleontologistFind all the Fossils.
Professional RockhoundTake 1200 stones.
RockhoundTake ten stones.
SnoopingOpen a piece of mail.
Thank YouUnknown.
Treasure HunterOpen all chests.
Work Work Work Work WorkComplete fourty jobs.
Work Work WorkComplete twenty jobs.
WorkComplete a job.