Thomas Was Alone (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
49 Shades of GreyFind the first achievement pickup in 'Generation'.
A Selfless ActFind the second achievement pickup in 'Design'.
A Token of LoveFind the first achievement pickup in 'Associations'.
Achievement for OneFind the first achievement pickup in 'Spawn'.
Achievements, All the Way DownFind the second achievement pickup in 'Itterate'.
And In the Darkness, Find ThemFind the first achievement pickup in 'Itterate'.
Be There or Be...Begin 'Array'.
Darwinian CollectionFind the second achievement pickup in 'Invert'.
DerezzedBegin 'Purge'.
DistractionsFind the first achievement pickup in 'Purge'.
Double ActFind the first achievement pickup in 'Array'.
Dwindling CapacityFind the second achievement pickup in 'Purge'.
Electric BoogalooBegin 'Generation'.
Experienced JumperJump 1600 times.
GamificationFind the second achievement pickup in 'Spawn'.
Hidden DepthsFind the first achievement pickup in 'Origin'.
Huge SuccessDie 100 times.
I'm Rubber, You're GlueBegin 'Associations'.
MarioJump 2400 times.
Needs More HatsFind the second achievement pickup in 'Generation'.
Not Exactly a TesseractFind the second achievement pickup in 'Origin'.
On the HopJump 800 times.
Part of the ProblemBounce on Laura 100 times.
Shared HobbyFind the second achievement pickup in 'Associations'.
That's What You GetsFind the first achievement pickup in 'Y+1, X+1'.
The Breakfast ClubFind the first achievement pickup in 'Design'.
The Final MacGuffinFind the second achievement pickup in 'Y+1, X+1'.
The Hero Thomas NeedsBegin 'Origin'.
The Last Place You LookFind the first achievement pickup in 'Invert'.
They Seek It Here, They Seek It There...Find the second achievement pickup in 'Array'.
Thomas Was Not AloneFinish the game.
Tighten Up the Graphics on Level 3Begin 'Design'.
Up, and to the RightBegin 'Y+1, X+1'.
ViridianBegin 'Invert'.
Winter is ComingBegin 'Itterate'.